Here are the top 10 most mispronounced first names in the world, according to a study

In France, several traditional first names seem to pose international pronunciation challenges. Research has shed light on the names most frequently abused globally.

The year 2024 will see the emergence of new trends in first names, some being rare and original but nevertheless popular with parents. Meanwhile, a recent study has revealed the first name found to be the most difficult to pronounce across the globe. The research, orchestrated by Word Finder, was based on statistics from Forvo, a platform dedicated to the correct pronunciation of words by listening. Thanks to this synergy, Word Finder was able to collect the volume of requests regarding the pronunciation of various first names.

The big winner of this curious competition is a male first name popular in Ireland: Sean. This first name has aroused the interest of at least a million curious people wishing to master its pronunciation. Just after, in second place, Xuxa is located, a feminine first name of Basque essence. Although rarely used globally and even less in France, it seems that its pronunciation is an enigma for many.

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Pronunciation tests for female names

When we venture further into the list of difficult to pronounce first names, Victoria and Francisco come in third and fourth position respectively. Among the familiar names in France, we distinguish Benjamin, Michael, Maria, Xavier, Thomas and Anne, who occupy places ranging from ninth to fourteenth. It should be noted that this top 20 is dominated by first names frequently used in France, including David, Guillaume and Laura. While it may be surprising that these common first names can be so confusing to foreigners, it is essential to remember their roots, often Latin or Hebrew, which makes them common in various countries.

Here are the first names that are most intriguing internationally:

1. Sean (1 million requests)
2. Xuxa (802,000 requests)
3. Victoria (696,000 requests)
4. Francisco (635,000 requests)
5. Plato (617,000 requests)
6. Anna (532,000 requests)
7. Estrella (490,000 requests)
8. Alexander (422,000 requests)
9. Benjamin (399,000 requests)
10. Michael (364,000 requests)

This study highlights the complexity and diversity of first names and the way they are perceived and pronounced around the world.

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