here at this frequency you must clean your beauty accessories

The accessories that you use every day to do your makeup and hairdressing can become real bacterial pockets if you do not clean them sufficiently between their different uses. Hair brush, makeup brushes, makeup sponges: here’s how often you should clean these beauty accessories.

We use them all day, but still cause us to have to clean our beauty accessories a lot like our sponges and us makeup brushes or again our hair brush. Because these tools are indispensable in our routine, they accumulate dirt (dust, dead skin, residues from makeup, hair care and hair products) without us having to forcibly count them. It creates an environment favorable for the development of bacteria that accumulate and proliferate so that we do not waste time cleaning our brushes, our sponge, and our hair brush.

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According to a study by the brand Spectrum Collections* makeup brushes and sponges, some of our accessories will be the same sales figure as our toiletries bag. And that’s because 40% of people questioned during the survey did not clean their brushes every two weeks, compared to the 20% who did not clean them every 1 to 3 months. This means the risks we face are those that take their toll on our skin and hair when we continue to use them without having to wash them beforehand! It is therefore not surprising that there are sometimes buttons on the face that are not visible or the hair is sensitive after this.

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How often do you have to really clean your beauty accessories?

Ideally, it would be best to clean our beauty accessories thoroughlyafter each use, what they want, to avoid any risk of bacterial contamination. But he rarely takes the time to wash his brushes and sponges, not even his hair brush every day.

What this means is that all that remains is to adopt a few simple gestures that make all the difference in everyday life in order to keep the cleanest possible, and to clean regularly and thoroughly the hairs of your brushes and brushes, as well as the mousse of your makeup sponges. Of essential hygiene rules to know about the fingers!

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Here the frequency is such that you must absolutely clean your hair brush so that it is really clean

This is not because your hair brush seems clean while it is being used. Consider your tooth brush after 3 months of use, it is not visible from the eye and therefore needs to be replaced. According to dermatologists, it was minimal Clean your hair superficially with a brush every week overcrowded hair that falls to the ground after each use. To remove torn hair during brushing, use a fine toothbrush and run the brush across the hairs towards the brush head and be able to remove them easily. Every week, take a designed cleaning spray for your makeup brushes and spray it with the brush to clean quickly. This will disinfect the accessory and remove any remaining sebum and hair care products that would be difficult to remove to avoid them from accumulating. In addition, it does not have to be wash your hair thoroughly for at least 1 hour per month.

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How well should I clean my hair brush?
When cleaning intensively every month, start by removing existing hair with the brush. Then, humidify the hairs of your brush and use the soft soap in large quantities to disperse the product residue that is then mixed up. Once rinsed well with clear water, place it on a sponge towel and leave it safe in the open air.

Here is the frequency at which you should clean your makeup brushes so that they do not have any bacteria

Recovering the eyelashes present on our skin each time we use them, but even the skin and makeup residue, our makeup brushes should be cleaned after each use if possible. Ideally, you should vaporize a non-rinsing cleaning spray specially designed for brushes on the tip of your brushes each time you use it and then brush it onto a paper sponge to quickly “safe” the hairs of the brush. A rhythm that supports our free time does not allow us to always respect. But you absolutely must take the correct disinfection time to at least one time per week, especially if you use them every day.

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How to clean your makeup brushes well?
To do this, you need to shape the hairs of your brushes and trowel your cleaning spray with a Marseille soap type soap to clean your hair more deeply. Then all you have to do is mousse the soap and rub the brush heads in the crease of your head. This gesture will allow you to remove makeup residue, loosen up the body and remove any dead skin and hair that could become ingrown. Then rinse generously with water. If the water is clear, you’ve finished.
Is the water still dirty with makeup residue? Repeat cleaning and rinsing again until all the makeup has been thoroughly rinsed and the water is clear when rinsing. Then, reduce the excess humidity of the brushes to remove as much water as possible from your hair, then lay the dry brushes flat on a dry cloth, as the water that escapes during drying should not be ‘Don’t get into the hand (it’s important if your brushes are made of wood). Take the time to dispose of them so that they do not lose their shape and interest in your beauty routine. If you don’t have enough time to clean your brushes, you can also use a grandmother’s brush to clean them easily without the need for brushing.

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Here is the frequency at which you should clean your Beautyblender makeup sponges

Everything like makeup brushes, sponges we use to apply our complexion, bronzers and makeup illuminators also need to be cleaned daily for the health of our skin. If they do not have hair that retains and hides dead skin and other residues, they are covered in a mixture of makeup and eyelashes that is conducive to the proliferation of bacteria. No skin problems if you don’t clean them sufficiently! Ideally, wash your makeup sponge or beauty blender every time you have used it to avoid residue building up in your skin. Plus, it makes cleaning very easy. But otherwise, make-the 1 time per week at least.

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How to clean your makeup sponge or beauty blender?
In a video published on TikTok, Dr Azi, a dermatologist, revealed that he is not enough to clean his makeup sponge with water and soap to ensure it is well cleaned. According to the expert, it will be necessary to clean with water, liquid dish soap (with antibacterial effect) and a little olive oil, a herbal substance that helps to absorb the skin oils and makeup products captured in the sponge. As you can see, it is then necessary to gently rinse the sponge with clear water and to rinse it before leaving it dry for recycling.

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But really, think about replacing your makeup sponge regularly, every three months or so before you use it at home, as liquid products tend to penetrate the heart of the sponge and cannot be completely cleaned.

Make-up, skincare, hair care, manicure…, Elodie reveals the beauty trends of the moment and offers you the best products and good plans so that you can perfect your routine…

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