Here is a doctor’s amazing trick to fall asleep easily

This tip for falling asleep quickly is creating a buzz on TikTok. An easy and scientific solution that could change our nights!

Containment, the pandemic and general anxiety impact our sleep. Since the health crisis, many people have suffered from insomnia. To cope with our restless nights, many experts recommend various tips to help us finally find a restful sleep. But that was without counting the simple and unusual trick of this doctor who went viral on TikTok. The principle ? Keep our socks on for sleeping. Yes, you read that right !

Keep your socks on to promote sleep

A week ago, Dr. Jess Andrade (@Doctorjesss) posted a video on social media Tiktok in which she shares a tip to help her followers fall asleep. "So let's talk about people who wear socks to bed", she says, in this viral post which now has over 2.6 million likes and over 190,000 shares. " Wearing socks warms the feet and acts on the blood vessels, which in turn cools the body. Once cool, the body tells the brain it's time to go to bed. So people who wear socks fall asleep faster ", explains the specialist.

A very simple tip supported by a study carried out by two South Korean academics in 2018. To carry out their work, which appeared in the American National Library of Medicine, the researchers followed six young men who did not have a sleep disorder and had a healthy lifestyle. For several nights, they wore socks or not in order to analyze their behavior. Thus, sock wearers took an average of 7 minutes less to fall asleep than others. Best of all, their sleep was extended by 32 minutes compared to others. As Dr. Jess Andade explains, when the temperature in the feet rises, the blood vessels dilate. Consequence: the blood circulates better. This signals the brain that it is time to sleep, but it is especially important because the body temperature drops during sleep. This would therefore avoid waking up in the middle of the night because you are cold. We try ?

Video: 6 tips to make it easier to fall asleep

Video by Clemence Chevallet

Marion Dos Santos Clara

Lifestyle journalist, Marion writes on topics related to psychology, love and sexuality, from a societal perspective. From female pleasure to new methods of personal development, …