here is the #1 tip for getting rid of dust (it is very simple and effective)

Looking for a foolproof solution to get rid of dust for days? Here is a simple and effective tip to apply tomorrow!

Even though the temperatures are very inclement in the north of France, we are indeed in spring. And it is often during this season that we want to rid our house of everything superfluous and clean it from top to bottom.

The famous spring cleaning takes place before the sunny days to have a peaceful summer.e. So now is the time to tidy up your wardrobe to move winter clothes to the back of your closet or to the storage in your storage bed to accommodate spring and summer clothes. Also, it’s time to reorganize your kitchen, make room for appliances for making ice cream and make room for foods suitable for salads and light recipes.

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Spring cleaning: focus on these places in the house that we often forget to clean

Although we almost all have the same way of cleaning, we see that there are also places that we all tend to forget to clean. To start with the walls of our home. Even though they are not considered furniture, they are still smooth surfaces where dust and stains can accumulate. They must therefore be cleaned, even more so if they are white. Simply wipe with a damp cloth with a little Marseille soap to help them regain their whiteness and cleanliness.

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Other places to remember to clean: window frames which must be cleared of dust with black soap and water, but also the vents which must be cleared regularly. Finally, remember that appliances such as the washing machine, dishwasher, coffee machine, air fryer or freezeralso need to be cleaned from time to time.

An anti-dust tip revealed on Instagram

While some people love cleaning for hours with music blaring, others consider this task a real chore. So they will love it this tip that allows you to get rid of dust in the blink of an eye.

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On Instagram, content creator Anna Baraf has just shared a video in which she provides a simple method for eradicating dust. Followed by nearly 300,000 people on the social network, this young woman is an expert in home and everyday organization. She reveals cleaning tips to free up time and live better at home.

A simple method with a product you already have at home

“Personally, I apply the mixture to my microfiber cloth first rather than directly to the surface. This allows you to distribute the product well without putting a large dose on part of the furniture or objects. Remember that the cloth must be clean, without having been used with other products before” she adds.

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Its simple dust-busting method involves mixing a capful of fabric softener with two glasses of water to create a foolproof cleaning solution. “Thanks to the anti-electrostatic benefits of the softener, dust will not immediately settle on your furniture and objects at home” she explains.

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