here is the aid you can claim when you are at the end of your rights

A reform of unemployment benefits was recently voted on and the allocation of active solidarity income could soon be conditional on 15 hours of work per week. But in addition to the RSA, emergency financial aid exists if you reach the end of your unemployment rights.

Currently, unemployment benefits are calculated on a day-to-day basis but the government plans to make the calculation monthly. While waiting for a possible new reform of benefits – since February 2023, the duration of compensation for jobseekers has been reduced by 25%, with some exceptions – professional life is not always a linear path.

If the legal conditions are met, a monthly unemployment insurance benefit called return to employment assistance allowance (ARE) is paid by Ple emploi for a duration which depends on the period of previous professional activity and the age of the employee seeking employment. Self-employed workers, i.e. business leaders who do not have employee status, traders, craftsmen, entrepreneurs, etc., can – if they meet the conditions – benefit from theself-employed worker allowance (ATI) pays for 183 days through Ple Emploi.

But when your rights end, emergency financial aid exists.

ASS and RSA, what are the differences?

A financial solidarity scheme, managed by Ple Emploi but financed by the State, thespecific solidarity allowance (ASS) can take over in order to pay income to unemployed workers who do not or no longer receive unemployment insurance benefits.

THE active solidarity income (RSA) has a broader scope of application: it can be requested by unemployed people at the end of their rights but also by any person without income, as long as they meet the age and resource conditions.

The question of volunteering

The holder of the ARE or ASS can carry out a voluntary activity provided that it remains compatible with the obligation to perform positive and consistent acts of job searchindicates article L 5425-8 of the labor code.

Exercising a full-time voluntary activity leads to the withdrawal of benefits, and can also constitute fraud punishable by criminal law. The departmental council may require the beneficiary of the RSA to carry out volunteering actions as part of their integration if this obligation is specified in the reciprocal engagement contract signed by the beneficiary at the time of allocation of their allowance.

ASS, an allowance subject to conditions

When the payment of unemployment insurance benefits stops, the specific solidarity allowance can be paid each month:

  • to job seekers who no longer receive the return to employment allowance (ARE);
  • to unemployed people who cannot benefit from unemployment insurance benefits because they were not able to work sufficiently before losing their job.

THE unemployed aged at least 50 who can still benefit from unemployment insurance benefits can opt for ASS if its amount is higher, but this is not necessarily a good idea. For unemployment benefits, the payment duration is known and mentioned in the notification of rights. Which gives real visibility on future income. Whereas for ASS, we check every 6 months that the conditions to benefit from it are still met.

The allocation of the specific solidarity allowance requireshave exercised at least 5 years of salaried activity in the 10 years preceding the end of the employment contract which gave rise to the right to compensation under unemployment insurance benefits according to article R 5423-1 of the Labor Code. This obligation is relaxed for people who have interrupted their salaried professional activity to raise a child, at the rate of one year per child, within the overall limit of 3 years.

Another condition is that it is necessary to be able to work, to register with Pole Emploi as a jobseeker and to carry out positive and repeated actions with a view to finding employment, creating, taking over or developing a business. The beneficiary of ASS must, in fact, respect in all respects the obligations imposed on all job seekers. He is subject to Ple emploi checks and must be able to prove the reality of his research.

The ASS benefit is also open for a renewable period of 9 months to certain fishermen, dock workers and self-employed artists. They must be at least 18 years old, looking for work and meet the legal conditions for receiving the specific solidarity allowance.

ASS: how much will you receive?

The amount of ASS is daily, fixed at 16.91 euros, i.e. 514.35 euros for one month of 30 days for a single person whose monthly resources are non-existent or less: 669.35 euros for a single person or 1345.75 euros for a couple.

No waiting period is applied for the payment of the specific solidarity allowance, it is allocated for a renewable period of 6 months. A review takes place every 6 months to verify that the person receiving ASS continues to meet the legal conditions.

The remuneration derived from a professional activity, whether salaried or not, is cumulated in full with the payment of ASS for a period of 3 months. At the end of these 3 months of accumulation, payment of the allowance is interrupted if the person continues their professional activity. In the event of interruption of professional activity for at least 3 months, she can again benefit from this accumulation system.

The specific solidarity allowance ceases to be due when the beneficiary reaches the age allowing them to benefit from a full-rate pension. The ASS is asking for Ple emploi using a specific form supported by supporting documents. In practice, compensated beneficiaries who reach the end of their entitlement automatically receive an ASS application file from Ple Emploi.

The specific solidarity allowance is completely elusive and non-transferable. It is therefore not possible to request that it be seized from the beneficiary’s bank account. If in doubt, do not abstain: apply for a specific solidarity allowance anyway, even if you are not sure if you are entitled to it.

These social benefits which will have to be reimbursed to the tax authorities upon your death

Self-employed workers who do not meet the criteria to benefit from the self-employed workers’ allowance, ATI, may be entitled to the specific solidarity allowance if they meet all the conditions, and in particular that of having carried out a salaried professional activity. for a period of at least 5 years during the 10 years preceding the date of termination of the employment contract giving entitlement to unemployment benefits.

Emergency help

When the allocation of the specific solidarity allowance is refused, in particular due to insufficient duration of activity, you can request Ple emploi – at the latest within two months following the refusal decision – for specific assistance. called flat-rate end-of-right assistance of 349.65 euros provided for by article 38 of the Unedic general unemployment insurance regulations).

This aid is paid only once and cannot be renewed.

The RSA, an income for almost everyone

The purpose of active solidarity income is to provide its beneficiaries with adequate means of existence, to fight against poverty and to promote social and professional integration., indicates article L 262-1, Code of social action and families. The RSA is a benefit awarded by the president of the departmental council of the beneficiary’s place of residence; it is paid by the family allowance fund (CAF) or by the MSA, Mutualité sociale agricole, for people in the agricultural sector.

The conditions for granting RSA are few: you must be over 25 years old, not have reached legal retirement age, be without resources or at a modest level. Please note that this minimum age condition of 25 years does not apply if the person applying for RSA is pregnant or if they have at least one dependent child.

RSA beneficiaries are not required to register as job seekers from Ple emploi, unless their departmental council requires it. Beneficiaries who are at the end of their unemployment insurance entitlement or cannot claim it because they do not meet the conditions, or even if you have never worked, you can request the allocation of RSA. However, between the ages of 18 and 25, you are eligible for RSA if you have worked for at least 2 years during the 3 years preceding the date of application, unless you have the status of a single parent.

The so-called full employment bill, passed in mid-October by the National Assembly and adopted on first reading, provides for a reform of the RSA. According to him, all beneficiaries of this aid must, except in cases of health, disability or childcare, carry out 15 hours of activities per week (internship, coaching, company immersion, etc.). The text must now be the subject of negotiation between deputies and senators to try to reach a common version of the bill, already adopted in July by the upper house.

RSA: what amount?

The amount is calculated based on your family situation and the resources you have available. This is a differential allowance, meaning that the amount will be equal to the difference between the maximum amount of the RSA and the monthly average of your resources plus certain family benefits that you receive, as well as a accommodation package if you are the owner or stay in accommodation for free.

For example, for a person living alone, without dependent children, with no income, the amount of the RSA will be 607.75 euros per month. A couple, without any income, without children will receive 911.63 euros and another with two dependent children can benefit from 1276.29 euros per month under the RSA. The RSA request can be made to the CAF or the MSA for those in the agricultural sector or to the departmental council services.

A job seeker can combine the ARE and the RSA if he meets the conditions allowing him to benefit from these allowances. In this case, the RSA will supplement the amount of unemployment insurance he receives in order to reach the maximum amount to which he is entitled.

RSA for young people: should assistance be paid from the age of 18?

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