here is the amount of aid you can receive in 2024, depending on your income

The objectives are ambitious and the means are increasing. The government and the national housing agency (Anah) detailed this week the scales for covering energy renovation work according to income and place of residence.

MaPrimeRnov’ system, 2024 edition. While the government has decided to pass the budget dedicated to aid more than 4 billion euros next year, the National Housing Agency (Anah) specified this week the amounts that can be paid from January 1, 2024.

France has 7.2 million energy sieves and in 2024 the objective is to carry out at least 200,000 large-scale renovations, allowing to gain at least two energy classes on the energy performance diagnosis. By 2050, 95% of the housing stock must undergo comprehensive renovation… which requires renovating 500,000 homes per year from 2017, then 900,000 from 2030. Vast construction site.

As announced by the government, the work financing rate can reach 90% in 2024 for a project costing 70,000 euros, or 63,000 euros in aid. And this, thanks to a bonus from the sieve which is added to the data summarized in the table below:

Amounts eligible for MaPrimeRnov’ aid in 2024
Energy gain
on a DPE
2 class3 classes4 classes
Spending ceiling
40,000 euros55,000 euros70,000 euros
Very modest households80%80%80%
Low-income households60%60%60%
Intermediate households45%50%50%
So-called senior households30%35%35%

Source: National Housing Agency (Anah)

Beyond these maximum amounts, The ceiling for eligible expenses ranges from 40,000 to 70,000 euros. And the scales are in fact different between Ile-de-France and the rest of the country. For example, very low-income households can receive 80% of their work covered, compared to 60% for low-income households.

Annual resource ceilings (RFR) to benefit from MaPrimeRnov’ aid in 2024
Number of occupants
Very modest households
Ile-de-France/outside IDF

Low-income households
Ile-de-France/outside IDF

Intermediate households
Ile-de-France/outside IDF
So-called senior households
Ile-de-France/outside IDF
123541 / 1700928657 / 2180540018 / 30549> 40018 and 30549
234551 / 2487542058 / 3188958827 / 44907> 58827 and 44907
341493 / 2991750513 / 3834970382 / 54071> 70382 and 54071
448447 / 3494858981 / 4480282839 / 63235> 82839 and 63235
555427 / 4000267473 / 5128194844 / 72400> 94844 and 72400
6970 / 50458486 / 646212006 / 9165

Source: National Housing Agency (Anah)

The paid recourse MonAccompagnateurRenov’, a project management assistant, will also be favored for receiving aid. Its role is to support households in the choice of work and craftsmen. He will also have to travel at least twice to carry out an energy audit, then observe the progress of the renovation before concluding that the property has gained energy.

And from next July 1st, owners of class F and G houses will no longer be able to access the renovation by gesture, and will necessarily be directed towards a large-scale renovation.

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