Here is the essential thing to do before washing your hair, according to a hairdresser

Certain actions may seem obvious in our beauty routine. But there are some that are best not left out. Patricia Debrant, founder of natural and customizable Mon Shampoing treatments, revealed that there is one point not to forget before washing your hair.

Indeed, the question may arise for certain people who are not used to performing this hair routine. Should you brush your hair before washing it? Well the answer is yes. The expert did not hesitate to answer the question asked by specifying that it is important to go through a good brushing before washing your hair so that your hair routine is successful.

Patricia Debrant did not hesitate to give her expert advice for an ideal hair routine and healthy hair to our colleagues at Madame Figaro. We tell you everything.

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A good hair routine requires a good brush

“Especially when you have long or even very long hair to already rid it a little of dust”, specifies the professional. Indeed, according to Patricia Debrant, it is essential to give our hair a good brushing before going through the cleaning stage. In fact, this brushing before shampooing would allow to first eliminate the impurities present on our hairan essential first step before the shampoo part which will completely clean our scalp of all remaining residue.

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According to the expert’s advice, brushing your hair before shampooing will allow “to ventilate the scalp” but also of “facilitate detangling afterwards”. It is therefore a very important and essential step not to forget in your pre-shampoo and post-shampoo hair routine!

The benefits of brushing your hair

You are aware that beyond the benefits of brushing your hair before each wash, it also allows to allow your hair to be shiny, stimulate circulation in your scalp And to restart the growth of your hair. Many benefits are within your reach if you brush your hair properly.

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So, initially It is not recommended to brush your hair if it is damp, because of their fragility. A good way to prove that once again, brushing your hair before shampooing is perfect! To avoid breaking your hair, you have to arm yourself with patience and delicacy. Indeed, when you encounter a node, you just need to work from the ends towards the root. Another little essential tip, hair brushing is not exclusively reserved for the morning. It is important to brush your hair every evening, to get rid of all the impurities of the day. With all his expert advice, you’ll have the hair of your dreams!

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A graduate of the Nice School of Journalism, I am 26 years old and I am from the South of France. Passionate about reading and sport, I am also a…

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