here is the extraordinary strategy that his parents put in place to manage his fortune

“The player who was worth 180 million” would never have been able to reach such capital without the help of his parents, and the unique strategy they put in place to manage his fortune.

He is one of the most famous football players in the world, but also the French’s favorite footballer. At the age of 25, the football prodigy, Kylian Mbappé, does not go unnoticed. The one who restored the image of PSG and unleashed passions is also the “favorite” sportsman of the presidential couple. As such, Brigitte Macron was very complimentary about him: “he’s a huge champion, and we’re so proud to have him with us” she said during one of her visits to the Saint-Cloud medical-educational institute.

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The former captain of the French team is the center of all attention, and even if he is sometimes controversial for his outspokenness, the French support him. But we also know him for something much more media-rich: his fortune. On Thursday June 13, 2024, a special issue broadcast on BFMTV retraced his journey and told how, At just 16 years old, he had managed to become a millionaire.

387.5 million euros

Kylian Mbappé establishes himself as the third highest paid footballer in Europe. The one who left PSG on May 10 for Real Madrid saw a financial opportunity, since the Spanish club spent a fortune to acquire the Frenchman. The signing of the contract would have been around 100 million euros. Add to this an annuity of 57.5 million euros per year of contract (5 in total), bringing the total amount of this new professional adventure to 387.5 million euros.

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But he has managed his fortune since he was 16, the age at which he signed his first contract with AS Monaco, allowing him direct access to a small jackpot. Management carried out masterfully by his parents, who at the time largely contributed to securing, but also making his assets grow, and this, thanks to an astonishing strategy.

“An original strategy”

“To reach such sums so quickly, his parents implemented an original strategy based on a strict distribution of roles”this is what was entrusted in Red line, recently broadcast on BFMTV. His father, Wilfrid Mbappé, took care of everything related to football, when his mother, Fayza Lamarimanaged the financial assets.

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And on this point, she was cunning. While most athletes or celebrities rely on agents to manage this part, Kylian Mbappé’s mother, for her part, hired the services of a lawyer. And not just any: Delphine Verheyden, recognized in the industry for being the reference. If the defense expert maintains the image of a person “hard”, “vehement” And “very virulent”, her reputation as a specialist precedes her. A bias which will have allowed the young prodigy to accumulate a colossal fortune on a sound basis.

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