Here is the fruit juice not to give to your children at snack time

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A decried breakfast food, fruit juice is also often consumed as a snack by children. A doctor warns us about the worst fruit juice on the supermarket shelves. Above all, do not give it to your children!

Some drinks appreciated by young and old are not very good for health. This is the case with smoothies and fruit juices, which contain hidden calories and sugars that can lead to weight gain when consumed in large quantities on a daily basis. Just like industrial cakes and spreads for that matter. If freshly squeezed fruit juices are already not of great interest from a nutritional point of view, some supermarket fruit juices are even dangerous for your health. This is the case of a fruit juice intended for our children which is really not good for their health, warns the doctor Jimmy Mohamed, a general practitioner very connected who deciphers our everyday products on Instagram and TikTok. This health professional allows us to make the right choices when shopping.

This fruit juice to banish from your children’s breakfasts and snacks is Capri Sunwhich is offered in a very practical bottle format for the youngest. “That’s not juice and even less multivitamins” warns the doctor, who points to hyper misleading marketing that misleads parents. Behind its opaque packaging decorated with images of fresh fruit, the drink hides a very different reality. Here is what’s really in the juice bottle fruit from your children.

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What is really in the Capri-sun that your children drink?

As highlighted by doctor Jimmy Mohamed, it is, in reality, “water with fruit juice from concentrates”. In short, there is no pressed fruit juice in this drink. If we read the label in detail, we notice that the drink contains concentrated juice of lemon, orange, apple, pineapple, banana or even passion fruit, but not real fruit juice. On its website, the brand also presents the Capri-Sun as a refreshing fruit juice drink. A nuance that makes all the difference but that can escape the vigilance of parents.

Continuing his reading of the list of ingredients present in this fruity gourd appreciated by children, the doctor notes that the brand adds to its mixture of spring water and concentrates, sugar and natural flavors for taste, but also vitamins because the fruit concentrates do not contain it like juices. Something that is also reflected in the appearance and texture of the drink, which is almost translucent although orange. A detail that betrays its composition, but which is not visible at first glance due to the packaging of the Capri-Sun which camouflages it.

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The Capri-sun, a drink almost as sweet as a soda

If you thought you were doing the right thing by offering this fruit juice to your children instead of a Coca-cola or an Orangina, bad news: it’s clearly not better. “Multi-sugar juice yes.” legend, moreover, the doctor, under the Instagram video in which he deciphers the composition of this drink that looks like fruit juice. “In terms of sugar, it’s almost as sweet as a soda” , he specifies, before adding that a bottle of Capri-Sun contains 16g of sugar. His conclusion is clear: “it’s not good for the weight, it’s not good for the teeth, it’s not good for the children”.

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