here is the huge amount of the increase expected on July 1

Inflation continues on its way. From July 1, gas bills will skyrocket. And the expected increase is more than unexpected.

While purchasing power stagnates, the rise in prices is not slowing down. And no sector is spared. If the tariff increase of electricity is known to everyone, there are products like packs of cigarettes, which from June 1, 2024 have undergone a new increase, bringing the price of a pack of cigarettes to approach 12.50 euros. And then there’s gas.

In France, these are nearly 10.5 million citizens who subscribe to natural gas. If this is your case, know that from July, an effective increase is planned. The reason ? A decision of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). In this sense, suppliers are starting to alert their customers this month. This is the essential information to remember.

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Between 5.5 and 10.4% increase in gas bills

In order to finance the maintenance of the various networks, the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) decided to review gas prices, impacting, in fact, the French household bills. An increase which is to a lesser extent, is linked to the regulated sales tariffs (TRV) for gas which disappeared on July 1, 2023. Thus the value of the price depends on the CRE which publishes its price each month.landmark” based on a fixed price, that of the subscription, and a variable price, linked to consumption.

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“We did not expect that. Our gas bill will increase by around €70 per year” testifies a Rennes family, interviewed by West France. For consumers who heat with gas, this increase will represent a increase of approximately 5.5%. Considering an average annual consumption of 13,480 kWh, the average bill could therefore increase from €1,489 to €1,571 per year. While for those who use gas for hot water or cooking, the increase could reach 10.4%. Based on an annual consumption of 1260 kWh, the bill would therefore increase from 245 to 270 euros per year.

The energy transition in question

“Those who stay on gas are fewer in number, but they must bear the costs” explains Jacques Percebois, energy economist for West France. Indeed, due to the energetic transition, more and more French people are abandoning gas heating to turn to electricity. A desire that is not so individual, since the State encourages citizens to change their energy. How ? By taxing gas more to respect “climate objectives”. “In January, the State had already doubled the gas consumption tax” indicates the media.

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We deduce that the government contributes to the decline of gas. The drop in the number of customers coupled with the price increase will not do only accentuate the phenomenon. For François Carlier, from the CLCV association “Within ten years, it seems unrational to stay on gas, for ecological and price reasons. When a gas boiler reaches its end, you really have to ask yourself the question of changing energy.”

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