here is the official date of payment by CAF, MSA and Ple emploi

The Christmas bonus will once again benefit more than 2 million households. The date of payment of this aid paid by CAF, MSA and Ple emploi is now known.

This assistance is always eagerly awaited by households who can benefit from this welcome boost at the end of the year. And we still know a little more about the contours of the 2023 Christmas bonus. Established 25 years ago, it will indeed be back this year.

According to information on the site thank you for the infothe date of payment to eligible households by the family allowance funds (CAF), the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA) or even by Ple emploi has been fixed.

The payment of the Christmas bonus is planned Friday December 15 confirmed the cabinet of Aurore Berg, the minister in charge of Solidarity and Families.

An additional delay

But be careful, a payment initiated on December 15 does not necessarily mean that the Christmas bonus will be available the same day in the beneficiaries’ bank account. Indeed, due to interbank delays, you will sometimes have to wait a few days before receiving the premium.

Created by the government of Lionel Jospin in 1998, the Christmas bonus is automatically paid to beneficiaries of certain social minimums: active solidarity income (RSA), specific solidarity allowance (ASS) and retirement equivalent allowance (AER).

Christmas bonus 2023: can you receive this aid of 152.45 euros if you are retired?

If a household only receives ASS or AER, the amount of the premium is fixed: 152.45 euros, regardless of the number of people in the household.

Up to 200 euros bonus for certain beneficiaries

As for RSA beneficiaries, the amount of this Christmas bonus, unchanged since its creation, will be 152.45 euros for a single person, 228.67 euros for a household of two people (couple without children, single adult with a child) and 274.41 euros for three people (couple with one child, single adult with two children).

Christmas bonus (amounts renewed each year)
Who?How much?
For the RSA beneficiaries (bonus paid by CAF)
Isolated person152.45
2 persons
(couple without children or single parent with 1 child)
3 people
(single parent with 2 children or couple with 1 child)
4 people
(single parent with 3 children)
4 people
(couple with 2 children)
5 people
(single parent with 4 children)
5 people
(couple with 3 children)
6 persons
(single parent with 5 children)
6 persons
(couple with 4 children)
Per additional person+60.98
For beneficiaries ASS Or AER (bonus paid by Ple Job)
For everyone (single amount)152.45

from four people, the amount of the premium is higher for a single-parent household (335.39 euros) than for a couple with two children (320.14 euros) and the premium is supplemented by 60.98 euros per additional child.

The 2023 Christmas bonus will therefore not be increased despite inflation which will reach 5%, according to the latest figures from INSEE. An exception, however, for 500,000 low-income single-parent families: a supplement of 115,200 euros will be paid to them.

Christmas bonus: why there are fewer beneficiaries of this average aid of 216 euros

source site-96