here is the procedure to avoid losing your money on March 1st

Your 2023 restaurant vouchers are expiring. From March 1, those acquired during the year 2023 will no longer be valid. Don’t panic though, these titles can be transferred to your 2024 balance so as not to lose them.

Please note, on March 1st, your restaurant vouchers acquired in 2023 will no longer be valid…well in theory. Paper tickets or money paid last year on your restaurant voucher card normally expire on March 1st. You therefore only have a few days left to use your balance.

An option that can hardly be considered depending on the amount to be sold. And for good reason, like everyone else, you have a daily ceiling of 25 euros. And this, whether at a restaurant or to pay for your shopping at the supermarket. Normally, it is possible to use restaurant vouchers in the year they were issued, then for a period of two months from January 1 of the following year.

Restaurant voucher: what can you really still pay with it? (and 10 other questions)

You can recover your 2023 balance

Don’t panic though, your money is not lost: the remaining amount is transferable and can therefore be recovered. If you have a card, you probably won’t need to do anything. The transfer is automatic in most cases. From March 1, the 2023 balance will be temporarily frozen then transferred back to the account in mid-March.

Some brands give the employer the choice of a manual transfer. In this case, simply connect to your restaurant voucher card application and request the transfer.

If your employer still gives you paper titles, you will have until the end of March to ask your human resources department to provide them. exchange for 2024 securities. Your employer will be responsible for returning expired tickets.

For those who wish, it is possible to do donation of your expired titles to charity. For paper titles, you will need to send them directly by mail yourself (or drop them off in person). If you have a card, go to your Edenred or UP application for example, and click on the “make a donation” tab.

The end of paper tickets is expected by the end of February 2026. If this date is currently theoretical, issuers should stop producing them and offer them to their customers by 2025.

Restaurant ticket: the card will replace paper, is this good news for you?

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