Here is the ranking of the cities where it rains the most in France and you will be surprised

You would have thought that the French city where it rains the most is in Brittany… but that is not the case! Vacation rental site Holidu conducted a study on French cities with the highest rainfall between 2009 and 2022. Here are the results.

Before going on vacation, many of us analyze the weather at our destination… especially in summer when we decide to stay in France. For several years now, temperatures have no longer reflected the seasons. The proof is with this month of August 2023 which was synonymous with rain and grayness when it should normally rhyme with sun and heat.

Thus, the vacation rental site Holidu used data from World Weather Online in order to carry out a study and establish a ranking of the cities in France where it rains the most during the year. Against all expectations, the rainiest city is not Lorient or Lille… but is located in Isère.

9 days of rain per month in the rainiest city in France

In fact, the town where it rains the most in France is Grenoble! Every year, this city has around 9 days of rain per month, all with precipitation of around 5.5 mm per day. We also learn that the weather is wetter in May, September and October while the climate is drier in February.

The second rainiest city in France is Annecy. Known for its lake and its pretty landscapes in summer, this town located between the Bornes and Bauges massifs records more than 7 days of rain per month and accumulates 5 mm of precipitation per day.

Finally, the third city where it rains the most is Lyon ! In the most populated city of France, there are around 8 days of rain per month for 4.4 mm of precipitation. At the same time, the two cities where it rains the least are Marseille and Perpignan. Marseille actually has three times less precipitation than Grenoble, the rainiest city in France.

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