Here is the sentence that you must avoid at all costs if you want to preserve your relationship.

In romantic relationships, a simple remark can sometimes call everything into question. This is the phrase that you should avoid at all costs if you want to preserve your relationship according to psychologist Cortney S. Warren. This Saturday, February 10, 2024, the specialist shares her advice to promote constructive and respectful exchanges which can only be beneficial to all couples.

Relations, friendly as in love, are subject to hazards. Beyond external factors that can affect mood such as stress at work or a more pronounced state of fatigue, psychologist Cortney S. Warren believes that the majority of harmful situations within a couple arise, most often , a communication problem. This Saturday, February 10, 2024, the expert shares in the columns of Make ita psychological journal published by the American journal CNBC, his advice to help couples implement more virtuous communication. The expert who suggests avoiding this phrase at all costs if you want to preserve your relationship as a couple completes her remarks by providing applicable advice on communication. According to her, speaking with contempt within a couple can be destructive. For Dr. Warren, this is certainly the most damaging way to address your romantic partner.

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How to create healthy communication?

Throughout her career, the specialist has identified this phrase as being the most destructive for couples, regardless of the age and solidity of the romantic relationship. “A phrase that reflects contempt, and one that I have seen destroy relationships most often, is: “I wish we never met”confides Cortney S. Warren in the columns of Make It.

If this sentence has a particularly harmful effect within a couple, it is not the only one likely to put your relationship in danger. In the same spirit, sentences such as “You ruined my life”, “You’re a nuisance.”, “You owe me. I put up with you for years.” or “No one else would want you.” are to be excluded. So many forms of contempt that can damage a romantic relationship. The specialist completes her list with other examples of contemptuous communications that should be avoided to build a healthy environment. For example :

  • “I don’t care what you think or how you feel.”
  • “You are pathetic.”
  • “You don’t deserve my time.”
  • “If we didn’t have kids, I would have left you already.”
  • “You disgust me.”

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The psychologist goes on to indicate that contempt can also be expressed non-verbally. To avoid creating an unhealthy environment within the couple, she suggests, for example, to the partner who tends to be contemptuous to take time to think about their relationship, but also to assume their responsibilities by recognizing their responsibility in the dysfunctions of the relationship. couple for example.

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