Here is the simple phrase to repeat to yourself every morning to be happy

A phrase could have a positive effect on us, specifically by repeating it to ourselves every morning. Here’s which one.

In recent years, and even more so recently, personal development and well-being have become a priority. Putting yourself first, truly getting to know yourself, to listen to your body, from his head. And this involves several things. Physical exercise in particular, with yogapilates or simply meditation.

But also through writing, practicing art therapy and many others. Positive affirmations would also be conducive to big changes. This is the famous law of attraction, claimed for a while by followers of spirituality. Thinking about what you dream of and seeing it come true. And, speaking of positive affirmations, a phrase could allow us to achieve happiness by repeating it to ourselves every morning, as a routine, as Grazia delivered.

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What is this positive sentence that would allow you to achieve happiness?

Still according to our colleagues, it would be the sentence: Realize that this morning you managed to get up and use your whole body: you can walk, you can talk, you can think or phrased differently : You can be proud of yourself for moving your body to come to this session and from now on, you will work for yourself“.

This phrase represents gratitude. A concept also very popular in terms of personal development. This consists of thanking the universe for what we already have, putting ourselves in a positive attitude to attract new things for which we can be grateful again. Once again it’s about the way of thinking attract the positive with the positive”, of which Lena Mahfouf aka Lena Situations is the pioneer with her mantra +=+”.


Originally from Toulouse, I moved to Cannes in 2021. It is therefore very close to the sea and palm trees that I have been writing for Au Féminin since 2022. Accustomed to …

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