Here is the zodiac sign that would be the most fearful

Unlike Aries, Virgo isn’t known for being very brave.

This Earth sign is indeed the most fearful of the Zodiac. As astrocoach Nathalie Marcot says, “Virgos are not the type to take risks and always weigh the pros and cons before acting”. It is the opposite of its horned counterpart. When asked “cap or no cap”, she will almost always answer “no cap!”

People born between August 24 and September 23 need “security and stability,” like all Earth signs. Before acting, these natives tend to analyze everything, to dissect everything down to the smallest detail, and will quickly become discouraged, “take fright and paralyze”, if a point is not clear or precise enough for their taste.

Ruled by Mercury, Virgo “likes reassuring things”, adds the specialist, also an expert in inner connection and relationship, specifying that Pisces (February 19 – March 20) is also prone to fear. Sensitive and emotional, this Water sign “is elusive”. Faced with a problem, “he will do the Ostrich, and wait for it to pass”, specifies Nathalie Marcot, who runs a Youtube channel.

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