Here it all begins: Jim breaks Maya’s heart

Next week in “Here it all begins”, the budding romance between Jim and Maya will ultimately only be short-lived.

Please note, this article contains spoilers about the continuation ofHere it all begins.

Terrible disappointment for Maya. This is what we discover in the unpublished extract from the episode ofHere it all begins from this Monday, February 19revealed in advance by TF1.

Jim suddenly becomes distant with Maya

Indeed, in this scene, we can see Maya (Alexandra Favalli), particularly cheerful, finding Jim (Loan Becmont) in the Institute park.

The young woman suggests that they go pick carrots in the vegetable garden for their evening together… except that Jim doesn’t remember at all what they had contained. The first year student reminds him that the couple has planned an aperitif and a revision session for both of them at the end of the day.

Distant, Jim then lets Maya know that he is “a little exhausted at the moment”. “We’ll do that tomorrow, it doesn’t matter.”, the young woman reassures him. However, the latter quickly understands from the reaction of her first year friend that it was, in reality, a false excuse.

Jim is (already) leaving Maya!

Maya doesn’t beat around the bush and then asks him if he wants them to stop seeing each other. “Better stop there, yeah. I’m a little too elsewhere at the moment…”, agrees the young man. Annoyed by this sudden breakup after a physical rapprochement in recent days, as well as by the little effort that Jim invests in putting the forms in place, Maya demands explanations. “Except I don’t know what to tell you…”son Leroy simply responds.

But Maya insists. When she asks him if he is, in fact, seeing another woman behind her back, Jim remains silent… before correcting himself and denying it when he notices that the young woman thinks he was right.

“I understand that you don’t want to hurt me. But now, we’re going to have to talk, in fact. We’re going to have to tell the truth because I need it, and because I deserve it too”, explains the first year student. Nevertheless, Jim persists and signs: “Except there’s nothing to know Maya. I’m sorry but that’s how it is…”, the young man replies. With that, Maya capitulates and leaves him alone.

So, will Jim return to Jasmine (Zoï Sévérin) now that he is single again? Will Jasmine once again give in to her desire for her boyfriend’s brother Thibault (Félix Pacaut), or even go further with him than their recently exchanged kiss? Will Maya want to investigate to understand why Jim left her? Will the young woman want revenge by informing Thibault that Jasmine is cheating on him? Answer in Here it all begins, from Monday to Friday at 6:30 p.m. on TF1, and in preview or in replay on TF1+.

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