Here it all begins: what awaits you in episodes 548 and 549 of Thursday, December 8, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”, Deva makes a painful discovery. Joachim no longer knows where to turn. Eliott must choose sides. Charlène gives everything for her Christmas project.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Here it all begins broadcast Thursday evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Thursday, December 8 in Here it all begins…

Eliott admires the nerve of Jude, who negotiated his entry into the Institute with Teyssier. He promises to do everything so that their pair finish first in their last test. Indeed, Eliott admits to his kitchen partner that he wants him to stay in school. For his part, Greg is convinced that Jude will return to Lille the next day. In the locker room, he is looking forward to it with Lionel, until he overhears a conversation between Jude and Elodie, where he learns of the bet that Jude is taking with Teyssier.

The third years gather for their ultimate test. Teyssier announces to the pupils that they are going to have to take out a dish around a food hated by chefs. Greg and Lionel will have to seduce chef Listrac with kiwi, Elodie and Hortense will have to convince chef Landiras with beef tongue, while Eliott and Jude will have to change Teyssier’s mind about endive.

Eliott and Jude are very confident about their recipe and rediscover their chemistry as a pair, which does not please Greg at all, who observes them from his own work plan. He thinks he has no chance of beating them. Motivated by Lionel, he decides to change the recipe at the last minute to put the odds on their side. Thanks to their vegan kiwi-mandarin log, Greg and Lionel get the compliments of the jury.

Meanwhile, Eliott confesses to Hortense and Mehdi that he would like Jude to stay at the Institute, hoping this doesn’t create new conflicts with Greg. Hortense tries to help her best friend to see more clearly the feelings he feels for the two boys. Eliott admits to still being in love with his ex, but he can’t help but find Jude attractive.

After deliberations, Teyssier announces the rankings to the students: the Greg/Lionel duo and the Jude/Eliott duo are in competition for first place. It is ultimately the latter who win the event. Greg is disgusted…

The next day, Eliott organizes a small ceremony for Jude in the amphitheater, with Hortense, Mehdi and other comrades. Jude has the opportunity to put on his Institute jacket embroidered with his name. A little further, Greg and Lionel observe them. Greg can’t bear to see Eliott and Jude so close. As they leave, Eliott catches up with them to invite them to the party organized at the Marais in honor of Jude’s integration and the end of the exams.

On leaving the Institute, Jude meets Elodie. He takes news of her, in relation to her breakup with Brice. Elodie admits having trouble realizing it. Above all, she blames herself for not realizing that Brice was harassing him. Jude grants him his forgiveness. When Elodie wishes him the best for the rest of his studies, surrounded by his new friends, the young man confides his crush on Eliott. Elodie then encourages him to try his luck with him and enjoy life after what he has just been through.

At the same time, Greg returns home. He lends a hand to Jasmine and Eliott who are preparing the aperitif for the party. The two ex naturally find their complicity. Jasmine then offers Eliott to come back and live with them, which he accepts.

At the party, as Elodie and Solal grow closer, Jude relaxes. Greg takes the opportunity to specify to Eliott that he doesn’t have to accept Jasmine’s proposal if he doesn’t want to. To which his ex replies that he sincerely wants to live with them. On a small cloud, Greg hurries to talk to Lionel about it. The latter then meets Jude at the bar and suggests that he not cling to Eliott because he will soon get back together with Greg.

A little later, Jude and Greg are going to take the air on the roommate’s terrace. They toast to their success when their music plays. Jude then expresses his desire to kiss Eliott. This one allows it, then kisses him back, without realizing that Lionel surprises them…

Joachim goes to Antoine and Rose’s office to tell them that he is ready to resign from his post if things become too complicated for Clotilde. Rose indeed confirms that her sister fears her return to the institute. Antoine, meanwhile, believes that Joachim can stay at school while waiting. Once alone with Rose, Joachim reiterates his desire to catch up. But Rose finds no excuse for her after seeing Clotilde so upset.

Leaving school, Joachim bumps into Séverine, who was waiting for him. She invites him to party like the last time they saw each other, but Joachim is not in the mood, due to his breakup and the risk of losing his job. Séverine sympathizes, then takes him with her to clear her mind. She gives him the keys to her new vintage car for a ride.

After which, Joachim admits to feeling better. Séverine points out that he could buy the same model if he really wanted to. But Joachim promised himself to stop his old activities from the start of his story with Clotilde. He prefers to keep his CDI and win back his ex, even if Séverine has trouble understanding.

Later, Rose overhears Joachim talking on the phone and guesses that he has housing problems. She offers to give him the contact of a real estate agent to help him, especially since he also pays for his sister’s accommodation during her studies. Despite Rose’s insistence, Joachim refuses her offer, preferring to fend for himself. On his mobile, he reactivates his escort profile…

As she walks with Amber in the park of the Institute, Deva feels many eyes on her. Tom approaches them and tells them the rumor going around about him: Deva slept with Inesta to get his job as butler and has been having an affair with him ever since. While Deva takes the shock, Amber decides to take matters into her own hands to find the origin of this rumour.

Later, Souleymane notices that Deva revises outside rather than in the library. The young girl ends up informing him of the rumor, while claiming her innocence. If Souleymane has sometimes been jealous of Deva’s admiration for Inesta, he does not believe her at all capable of deceiving him with him. In order to support his girlfriend, he accompanies her to the CDI.

At noon, while she is preparing her service at Double A, Deva is questioned by Myriel about the rumor. The girl denies the charges against her. Myriel also believes her and reminds her that he is there if she needs to talk. Turning back, Myriel meets Inesta. He informs her of the current rumor and advises her to exercise caution.

For her part, after conducting her investigation, Amber reveals to Deva the identity of the person at the origin of the rumour: David. Deva doesn’t hesitate to confront him. The young man tries to justify himself, but Deva no longer wants to speak to him.

The next day, David wonders how Deva found out about his words. Soleil admits having spoken to Amber about it. David regrets the consequences of his actions, especially because he is after Inesta and not Deva. Solal also suspects his friend of being in love with her.

Soon after, David goes to Double A to apologize to Deva. He expresses his fear of losing her. But the young girl sticks to her positions. Near the counter, Inesta hears their conversation. He then pushes Deva to denounce David as the author of the rumour. But the maitre d’ affirms that David has nothing to do with it.

Later, while David is practicing making cocktails, Inesta announces that he is going to quit his practices. Even if Deva did not confess anything, Inesta thinks her student guilty of the rumor that circulates. David replies that it is above all a personal settling of accounts and a good pretext to get rid of him because he does not like him. David continues to provoke his coach to such an extent that Inesta ends up punching him in the face…

In the park of the Institute, Louis approaches Charlene in order to bury the hatchet. He can’t bear to make her suffer anymore and has therefore decided to stop attacking her. On the other hand, he allows her to let off steam on him if it can do him any good. Charlène questions him about his real motivations. Louis declares, in half-words, that he still loves her.

Charlène then attends her bakery module. Thomas gives his students a break from making pastries. Instead, he asks them to come up with food design using baked goods to decorate their pop-up Christmas shop. Charlène, who rightly chose culinary design as her graduation project, is particularly motivated. She devotes herself fully to this project and embarks on the construction of gingerbread houses. Constance goes to see her to discuss. Charlène admits having trouble moving on and sincerely believes that Louis wants to win her back. Constance advises her to beware, reminding her that Louis is very good at manipulating her. Charlène admits that she has to give herself time to deal with their breakup.

Later, Samia and Billie pass by the workshop in Charlene’s absence. Seeing the gingerbread houses, Billie decides to add her personal touch: a meringue star colored red that she sticks on the facade of a chalet. At the same time, Charlène comes back and criticizes her initiative to Billie. Once alone, Charlene nevertheless admires the rendering with satisfaction.

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