Here it all starts (spoilers): war is declared between Jasmine and Salomé

May 3 in Here it all begins, Salomé manages to save the prom but the tensions only increase between her and Jasmine, pushing her to provoke her rival.

In the episode ofHere it all starts from Tuesday, May 3, Salomé (Aurélie Pons) may have found a solution for maintaining the prom. Thanks to an acquaintance of her father, she found a room, which is located 20 minutes from Calvières. She therefore offers Jasmine (Zoï Sévérin) to go and visit her together. The latter – who seems annoyed by the mere presence of Salomé – invites Axel (Thomas Da Costa) to join them. Upon discovering the room, the young people are over the moon. So much that Salomé and Axel give each other a waltz, under the envious eyes of Jasmine, which quickly showers their happiness. Jasmine feels they don’t have enough decorations for such a big room. They need a smaller, warmer place. But there is no doubt for Salomé: Jasmine acts like this because she is the one who found this solution. Even Axel tells her that she’s annoying. Jasmine admits to the latter that she cannot stand Salomé. And ends up confiding to him that she is disappointed that he does not accompany her to the ball. Axel takes advantage of this frank discussion to be honest with her: he likes her a lot but is not emotionally interestedI. If she pretends not to blame him, Jasmine struggles to hide her emotion. She confides in Charlène (Pola Petrenko). She sincerely thought that her attraction was mutual but she notes that she no longer exists in Axel’s eyes since there is Salomé. While Jasmine idealizes her rival, Charlene can’t help but criticize her, calling Salomé manipulative. She tells him that she was dating Maxime (Clément Rémiens) even before breaking up with Louis (Fabian Wolfrom). She therefore hopes that her cousin will not fall into the trap.

Between two meal preparations, Salomé reveals to Anaïs (Julie Sassoust) that she does not yet have an outfit for the ball. Luckily, the latter received a dress for her birthday which does not suit her but which could look gorgeous on her friend. So she offers him to try it. And the least we can say is that Salomé is magnificent in this dress. Enough to leave Axel speechless, while Jasmine decides to leave the room. Later, Salomé confesses to Anaïs that she is not completely insensitive to Axel’s charms but does not want it to further escalate the situation with Jasmine. When we talk about the wolf… More exasperated than ever, this one swings at Salomé her four truths, before insulting her. The tone rises between the two women, who are almost on the point of coming to blows. Instead, Jasmine throws down a batch of petit fours. As Salomé and Anaïs pick them up, Jasmine approaches to help them. But Salomé came back up like a cuckoo clock. Jasmine then reproaches him for thinking only of her. At the same time, Axel arrives, and as a provocation, Salomé offers him to be her date, which the young man accepts with a broad smile..

Charlene warns her father

Constance (Sabine Perraud) asks Charlène her opinion on outfits. She announces to him that she is going to the ball with Zacharie (Julien Alluguette), which disapproves of his daughter. She is afraid of what her classmates will say. She doesn’t want to spend her evening explaining that her mother isn’t openly cheating on her father. But Charlene’s opinion doesn’t matter to her mother. At the same time, Lisandro (Agustin Galiana) meets Zacharie who has just bought a suit for the ball. He announces to him that he will be the cavalier of Constance. But Lisandro believes that his friend is playing with fire and that on learning this, Teyssier (Benjamin Baroche) will dismiss him from the Institute. Charlène reports to her father that her mother has decided to go to the ball accompanied by Chief Landiras except that Teyssier does not see it with a negative eye, on the contrary, it suits him, since he has no want to go to the ball. He is even happy that his wife can have fun. A reaction that only increases Charlene’s anger, who thinks only of the gossip it will spark. Teyssier is amused by the scene that his daughter has just made for him with Zacharie and Constance. Landiras doesn’t want to put them in an awkward situation and offers not to go to the ball together, if it can harm them. But Constance refuses, amused to shock her daughter.

Hortense (Catherine Davydzenka) returns from her first appointment with the shrink, which went very well since the doctor was reassuring. Mehdi (Marvin Pellegrino) takes the opportunity to tell his dear and tender how proud he is of her, whether because she faced Hugues (Yann Sundberg) and his father (Pierre Azéma) and also because she is trying to cure her discomfort. Encouraging words for the young woman who asks Mehdi to be her anti-cracking guardian, that is to say that if he sees her blocking on food, he will have to divert her attention. For his big comeback in the Double A kitchens, Hortense volunteers to assist Theo (Khaled Alouach) but this one hesitates. He knows that the young woman is just coming out of a difficult period and does not want to put her in a stressful situation. Nevertheless, she convinces him to give her a chance. And she pulls it off wonderfully. Théo even hopes to call on her again soon to assist him. Above all, despite the temptations, she managed to resist her impulses.


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2/12 –

Jasmine confirms to Axel that she no longer supports Salomé, while the latter reveals to her that he is not interested in her on a sentimental level.

© © ITC / TF1

3/12 –

Between two meal preparations, Salomé tries on the outfit she will wear to the ball, leaving Axel speechless, while Jasmine decides to leave the room.


4/12 –

Salomé admits to Anaïs that she is not completely insensitive to Axel’s charms but does not want it to further escalate the situation with Jasmine


5/12 –

More exasperated than ever, Jasmine throws her four truths at Salomé, before insulting her


6/12 –

The tone rises between the two women, who are almost about to come to blows


7/12 –

Jasmine notably criticizes Salomé for thinking only of her


8/12 –

As a provocation, Salomé therefore offers Axel to be her date for the prom.


9/12 –

What Axel happily accepts


10/12 –

Charlène reports to Emmanuel Teyssier that Constance will go to the ball with Landiras, which she disapproves of for fear of the gaze of others


11/12 –

But Teyssier doesn’t take a dim view of this and is even happy, which only increases Charlène’s anger.


12/12 –

Teyssier has fun with Zacharie and Constance, while the latter offers not to go to the ball together, if that could cause them harm. What Constance refuses

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