Here it all starts: what awaits you in episode 352 of Wednesday March 9, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”… While Antoine makes a revelation to Rose, Marta leaves the institute. At the same time, Florence and Léna know Tom.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Here it all begins broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Wednesday, March 9 in Here it all begins…


At the hospital, Lionel shows his father the photo of Antoine’s vehicle. Unfortunately, Stéphane still doesn’t remember anything. As his son plans to denounce the headmaster, Stéphane asks him not to jump to conclusions and categorically refuses. Indeed, he does not want this story to get him in trouble and the order to let the police do their job.

Back at the institute, Lionel confides in Eliott and Greg when Antoine and Souleymane join them to hear from Stéphane. A bit aggressive, Lionel accuses him of being responsible for his father’s accident and declares that he has enough to prove it. He then asks Eliott for his mother’s number to send her the photos taken by Kelly.

Later, Julia arrives at the institute and carefully inspects Antoine’s vehicle. As one of the front headlights is broken and it is possible that the debris found at the scene of the accident correspond, she indicates to her colleague to board the car so that the scientific police can examine it. At the same time, the principal explains that he was at the institute at the time of the events and that he did not take his car during the day. As several people confirm her version, Julia warns Lionel then promises to find the one who overthrew her father.

Lionel then wonders who was driving Antoine’s car that day. If he immediately thinks of Rose, Deva tells him that she has her own vehicle. He then questions his comrade to find out if she hasn’t seen someone at the salt marshes while looking for glasswort. Unfortunately, the young woman saw nothing since she was cycling on small deserted roads.

During Chef Guinot’s lesson, Lionel discusses his father’s accident with his classmates. Even if Myriel has an alibi, he remains convinced that the culprit is hiding at the institute. While everyone is giving their opinion, Mehdi, who hears them talking, seems particularly uncomfortable, which has not escaped Greg and Lionel.

At the end of the day, Deva goes to Stéphane’s bedside. Touched, he thanks her then asks her not to let her son slip away for the “Spring of the Sea”. Deva then promises that they are going to release a great dish. Meanwhile, Antoine confides in Rose that he lied to the police. Indeed, he lent his car to Mehdi the day of the accident. A few meters away, Souleymane has lost none of this revelation.


Following her breakup, Marta made the decision to leave for a few weeks with her godmother in Narbonne in order to avoid meeting Théo and Célia in the corridors of the institute. Although the end-of-year exams are approaching, Teyssier accepts that his student leaves to recharge her batteries.

Warned by his father, Theo arrives in Marta’s room who is preparing her things. As he tries to find out why she is doing this, the young woman replies that she needs to get away to regain her strength. Theo does try to make her change her mind but Marta thinks she has been quite humiliated. When he explains that he never meant to hurt her, she refuses to listen any further and kicks him out.

Upset, Théo later announces to Célia that Marta is leaving the institute. According to the Gaissac girl, it’s a good thing that she’s taking a little distance, but Theo fears that she’s missing her year because of her. Only, Célia does not really want to hear him talk about his ex, especially since this story does not concern her. Words that annoy Theo.


Today, Solal begins his tests with the chef Guinot in the hope of becoming her second for the event organized soon at the Table des Rivières. However, he is particularly stressed after what Gaëtan heard the day before. Despite everything, Solal intends to prove himself in the kitchen and prove to Florence and Léna what he is worth.

Subsequently, Solal assists chef Guinot at the Table des Rivières. As they work on the menu that will be offered, Claire quickly notices his very good cooking techniques. This is why she encourages him to represent himself at the institute competition next September before announcing to him that she accepts that he is her second for the event.

At the end of the day, Florence confirms to her daughter that they will find a way to oust Solal even if the chef Guinot has chosen him. In reality, Florence and Léna are organizing this event to surprise someone. And that person is none other than Tom. When the latter receives a message from Léna in which one can read ” With mom, we prepared a surprise for you for your birthday. you will hallucinate Tom doesn’t look happy. By noticing his upset look, Amber would like to understand what is happening. The former influencer then pretends that it is Leo, the little boy he has been claiming to help for years.

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