Here it all starts: what awaits you in episode 522 of Wednesday, November 2, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Here everything begins”, Livio flirts with Charlène, Jérémy has no confidence in Joachim and David receives private lessons from Lisandro.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Here it all begins broadcast Wednesday evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Wednesday, November 2 October in Here it all begins…

Livio flirts with Charlene

Charlene and Louis wake up after having made love several times during the night. She would like to start again. But Louis calms her enthusiasm because they are expected at the Institute… As soon as her back is turned, he takes the opportunity to write to his favorite camgirl. He doesn’t know it’s Billie!

In class, Claire and Louis announce that they are choosing Ethan, Solal, Samia and Billie to join the team that will develop the menu in tribute to Auguste. The latter is delighted, she adores Louis and says she admires him a lot…

In the commissary, Livio overhears Louis on his phone and imagines he’s on the charm app. This is not the case but he reveals to his friend that he actually went back there after their last discussion. He is happy because it has somewhat revived his sex life with Charlene.

Louis tells her the name of his camgirl, Flow, but that all this must remain secret because even if everything remains virtual, Charlène would not appreciate it at all. Livio promises he won’t say anything and he leaves for the pop-up restaurant.

There, Livio slips to Charlène that he has understood that everything is better between her and Louis. She is a little embarrassed that her boyfriend told her all about their reconciliation on the pillow. Livio specifies that Louis has remained sober but that they get along very well to share everything.

To laugh, Charlène replies that she is jealous but Livio reassures her by saying that Louis is not her type and that she is much sexier than him! Enzo hears them, he comes to ask Charlene for an explanation. He thinks she and Livio are hitting on each other. She reassures her comrade, it’s only humor between them.

Claire and her son begin work with their brigade. Louis is quick to intervene to denigrate his mother’s ideas. The discomfort is palpable, she reframes it curtly. Later, Claire asks her child not to contradict her authority.

Emmanuel comes to taste their proposals and he can see that the atmosphere is electrifying between Louis and Claire… The latter is exasperated: she decides to organize a duel and the best of them will oversee the menu for Auguste. Teyssier approves.

Louis comes home and goes to chat again with Flow/Billie about the charm app. He asks to see her face again but she tells him no. This one is in her room at the Institute and Samia and Vic suddenly burst into the room! The girls see her in lingerie in front of a webcam and ask her what she is doing…

Jeremy is wary of Joachim

Jeremy confides in Greg and Eliott that he saw Clotilde being very severe towards Vic the day before. The boys take the opportunity to explain to her that she is not very friendly and that it is better to stay away from her.

In class with the first years, Jérémy helps his mother. Joachim arrives and asks for his partner’s car keys because his vehicle has broken down. Jérémy lets go aggressively if he doesn’t also want his credit card to fill up… Joachim and Clotilde are shocked by his remark.

After class, Clotilde asks her son to justify himself. Jeremy is certain that Joachim uses it. She is furious to hear him say such things. He leaves and bumps into Vic. She also thinks that Joachim is not sincere towards Clotilde. Vic offers to help her break them up. Suspicious, Jeremy replies that he needs to be alone instead.

Lisandro gives David a chance

Lisandro announces to David that finally he chooses him for the mixology championship. The butler tells him that the training will be intense and that he is the one who will coach him. He also demands that they stop talking about their personal lives.

David reports the good news to Deva and Souleymane but he admits to them that he is not happy to have to spend a lot of time with Lisandro. They advise him to take it upon himself and be serious.

The time for the first training has come. Lisandro transmits his know-how to David who learns some basic movements quite quickly. In the evening, Deva comes to ask him how this first lesson went.

David is rather happy, then starts flirting with her and implying that she has a crush on him. She puts him back in his place when he seems to be having a lot of fun embarrassing her.

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