Here it all starts: what awaits you in episode 533 of Thursday, November 17, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”, Charlène discovers Livio’s schemes with her father, Deva manages a crisis at Double A and Greg and Eliott’s rivalry escalates in the kitchen…

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Here it all begins broadcast Thursday evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Thursday, November 17 in Here it all begins…

Livio confesses to Charlene

Charlene and Livio slept together. She tells him it was just an adventure. He understands her and doesn’t blame her, he wants to be there for her in all circumstances. She tells him that she blames herself for still feeling in love with Louis.

The latter goes to meet Billie to thank her for not having pushed him in front of Teyssier. He apologizes to her for everything and then goes to the library. Charlène is there with Livio and sees her ex arriving. She asks her classmate from the master’s to kiss her… and Louis sees them when he arrives!

He is mad with rage and feels betrayed by his friend. He threatens him physically and verbally. Charlène intervenes and takes Livio elsewhere before the situation degenerates. Louis is upset.

Billie reports to Vic and Samia that Louis came to ask her forgiveness. She appreciated her gesture, which displeased her friends. They advise her to stay as far away from him as possible now.

Teyssier contacts Livio and demands that he no longer see Charlène. But the young man does not let it go because the director no longer has any hold on him now that he has fulfilled his part of the bargain. Moreover, Livio could reveal to Charlène that it was her father who was behind her breakup…

Louis also catches up with Charlène and wants to know if she cheated on him with Livio. This one is in the provocation and claims to turn the page on their relationship thanks to the latter. Louis informs him that it was Livio who tricked him into going to Paradise.

Desperate, Louis tries to hold Charlene back as she tries to get away from him. Constance intervenes and signals to Claire’s son that she will lay down a handrail against him if he approaches Charlene again. Louis capitulates and asks to see Rose.

He talks to his stepsister about his doubts about Livio. He thinks he’s the one who engineered everything so that Charlene receives a link to his profile on Paradise! Louis learns that it was Teyssier who recruited Livio for the master’s degree. For him, no more doubt, the director is also in on it to ruin his couple! Rose goes to find out about the student.

For her part, Charlène questions Livio: is it really he who told Louis about Paradise? He answers in the affirmative and confesses everything about his deal with Teyssier! Charlène is shocked, while Livio also confesses to being in love with her… It’s too much, she leaves, completely stunned.

Greg and Eliott rivals

Eliott tells Jasmine that he and Greg keep arguing in the kitchen. The latter joins them and the couple goes back to their faults. The spades resume… Jasmine intervenes to calm things down and reminds them how complementary they are. They decide to make peace.

In class with Clotilde, Greg nevertheless chooses to team up with Mehdi and this upsets Eliott. He forms a duo with Hortense and is determined to crush his opponents. The pairs must also join the services of a first year. Hortense and Eliott take Ethan, Mehdi and Greg fall back on Axel.

Eliott has an idea to modernize the recipe but Ethan signals his doubts about his interest. The third years remember his remark and decide to follow one of his suggestions… and the result seduces Clotilde! She congratulates them for their originality. Greg is a sore loser. Suddenly, Ethan learns that an explosion has occurred in his mother’s school!

Deva handles a huge crisis

Deva becomes Double A’s butler for a while. Lionel doubts his grip but this one does not let it go and reframes him. David also defends his comrade.

During the service, Lionel still makes bad spirit with Deva. He decides to do nothing to make it easy for her on her first day. The second year despairs but manages to put him in his place with the support of David.

Suddenly, a client’s water breaks in the restaurant! Deva takes her responsibilities and manages the situation from A to Z with the assistance of David, and even of Lionel. Constance comes back for quick support. Deva does not leave the woman giving birth for a second.

Help arrives in time. Constance says “Bravo” to Deva for her calm and professionalism. She confesses to David that she was terrified throughout this unforeseen event. This one still comforts her: she has assured perfectly.

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