Here it all starts: what awaits you in episode 541 of Wednesday, November 30, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”, Eliott makes a terrible discovery. At Double A, tension mounts between Louis and Charlène. David, he redoubles his efforts in the face of pressure from Lisandro.

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Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Here it all begins broadcast Wednesday evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Wednesday, November 30 in Here it all begins…

While waiting for Myriel to make a decision, Jude continues the lessons normally, which pisses Greg off. He is even more annoyed to find that Eliott does not seem very affected. This one admits that he does not like pushing people. Greg provokes him and ends up pushing his boyfriend to confess that he liked his kiss with Jude.

The students train at the workshop for their second test. Everyone is ganging up on Jude. Lionel and Greg assault him to get his phone back until Eliott intervenes, then that of Chef Listrac, who sends everyone back to their post. She mentions to Jude that he is being summoned by Myriel. Greg takes pleasure in telling him discreetly that it was Eliott who dumped him. The latter notices an injury to Jude’s hand, but he says it’s nothing.

For her part, the Listrac chef informs Greg and Brice that their recipe is a bit simple compared to the level of the other students. She advises them to twist it to create a surprise effect.

Later, when confronting Myriel, Jude states that he never meant to hurt Greg and just wanted to make a joke. He expects to be kicked out of school. But Myriel tries to find out more because Jude’s file is irreproachable. He suspects himself of hiding something from him and pushes him to confide. But Jude maintains that he is solely responsible. Myriel therefore agrees to find him a place elsewhere, while reminding him that he is present if Jude needs to confide.

In class, Greg and Brice announce to Listrac that they intend to make eel tempura in order to keep their initial set of textures by combining crispy and soft. The chef is satisfied. She then goes to the pair of Jude and Eliott. The latter have chosen to add a shellfish bisque to their pea velouté. They receive encouragement from the chef. Jude then offers Eliott to teach him how to gel bisque himself as he will be leaving the Institute soon. Jude then lets it be known that he is going to leave despite being innocent. When Eliott questions him to find out what he means, Jude gets pushed around by Greg and prefers to keep quiet.

Eliott talks about it to Hortense and Mehdi during the lunch break. He wonders if Greg is behind all this. On Mehdi’s advice, Eliott confronts her boyfriend about it, especially because he doesn’t believe he found Jude’s phone by chance. Greg defends himself by declaring that Brice was with him at that time.

Eliott calls Jude to tell him about his suspicions about Brice. Since Jude continues to deny outright, Eliott goes to the workshop to confront Brice directly. He accuses her of harassing Jude from the start. Brice points out that Eliott has no proof of what he is saying, then tries to intimidate him. Jude intervenes, saying that Brice has always harassed him. As he tries to leave with Eliott, Brice holds him back by calling him a “dirty pedal”…

Anaïs reproaches her companion for having lost her temper with David. She not only deems him demanding, but also unfair to David just because he doesn’t love her. She therefore advises Lisandro to change strategy, at the risk of losing the competition.

For his part, David is jogging with Gaëtan, who continues to coach him. During a break, David admits feeling persecuted by Lisandro. He would prefer to be treated cool like with Gaëtan. His sports coach points out that he could feel even more proud of himself if he agreed to do a little violence. But David doesn’t believe it.

Later, David trains at the counter of Double A, under the supervision of Lisandro. He ends up giving her a break. At the same time, Teyssier arrives and wants to test David’s progress. The young man prepares a tequila-based cocktail for him, manipulating his recipe and his shaker to perfection. After tasting the result, Teyssier congratulates him.

At the end of the day, Lisandro returns home and thanks Anaïs for her advice. Thanks to her, he understood that he had to be less abrupt with David to obtain good results. Lisandro admits to his girlfriend that he is especially stressed by the challenge of the competition, admitting that he would have done anything to be in David’s place.

In the Double A kitchens, Louis exceptionally replaces chef Théo who has left for Paris. Teyssier therefore instructed Elodie to lend a hand to the professor. The two exes are talking to each other again for the first time in a long time. Louis assures us that he had been planning to come and see Elodie since his return to the Institute, but that he was overwhelmed by personal problems. Elodie lets it be known that she has heard of these stories, underlining her instability in terms of a couple.

Later, Charlène arrives in the kitchens and hallucinates to see Louis instead of her father. By noticing the presence of Elodie, Charlene gets more upset. She declares aloud that it is inadmissible for Louis to receive a promotion when he is a pervert. Louis ends up ordering his ex-fiancée to leave the place.

After which, Elodie realizes that the broth to be served with the ravioli has been mixed with walnut oil. Louis begins to panic. He then decides to make the customers wait while they catch up on the sauces. Elodie supports him and quickly finds solutions to avoid disaster. When Louis wonders how such a thing could have happened, he sees Charlène behind the bay window giving him the middle finger.

At the end of the service, Louis and Elodie share a coffee. The young man thanks her for her help, then promises to make Charlène pay, ignoring Elodie’s advice, which suggests that he put an end to the infinite circle of revenge.

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