Here’s The Best (High-Protein!) Cheese For Menopausal Health, According To A Doctor

Women tend to gain weight during menopause. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to its diet. A dietician reveals the best cheese to eat to keep the line.

Unfortunately, menopausal women are well aware that this hormonal upheaval is often accompanied by weight gain. This is explained by the metabolism which tends to drop. As a result, the body at rest expends less energy. Food needs are therefore less important. In addition, during menopause, may occur a reduction in muscle mass. It is mainly for these two reasons that women can gain weight, without having changed their eating habits.

But these changes are not the only ones that occur during menopause. Because of decrease in bone mass, we observe a risk of osteoporosis. But also a risk of Type 2 diabetes. This is why it is strongly recommended to adapt your diet, to be as fit as possible. Fortunately, doctors often provide excellent dietary advice. A New York geriatrician tells us what is the best cheese to eat during menopause.

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The ideal cheese for menopausal women

Dr. Nina L. Blachman, geriatrician at NYU Langone Health (New York), and the dietician Tara Tomaino, have revealed to Huffpost that the best cheese for postmenopausal women is cottage cheese (cottage cheese). It is a cheese made from cow’s milk or sheep’s milk which is curdled and drained but not pressed. It looks like ricotta. “This food rich in protein is a great choice for any meal of the day or even for snacks. Pair cottage cheese with fruit for a sweet and savory combo, or mix it with fresh vegetables. Choose cheese low sodium Or no added saltespecially if you watch your blood pressure.

The important thing is not to consume too much salt. In fact, salt can cause arterial hypertension. Dr. Nina L. Blachman therefore recommends limiting salt as much as possible and suggests to season foods with herbs instead. Finally, you can indulge yourself with green vegetables, red fruits, seeds and nuts. For proteins, it is better to favor lean proteins such as chicken breast or eggs.

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