Here’s the perfect tip for wrapping a round gift

Every year, when it’s time to wrap your gifts, it’s the same thing! Book, shoe box, rectangular perfume box, it’s easy, but as soon as we find ourselves faced with a slightly different shape like a round object, things are much less easy! Discover our tutorial for wrapping a round gift efficiently and quickly!

The race to buy Christmas gifts is on! After a weekend marked by Black Friday which has already filled a good part of the space under the tree, the final sprint is already here! Only three weeks until the big day. So for those who have not yet finalized their list of gifts for their loved one, it is high time to get started. Fortunately today you have a wide choice for your shopping, online sales site, marketplace, department stores, shopping centers, you will surely find rare gems that will delight young and old alike!

Before taking your place at the foot of the wonderful, beautifully decorated Christmas tree in your living room, there is a very important step to take and which can be a real headache for some people: wrapping the gifts. When it comes to wrapping a rectangular or square gift, we all know how to do it, but as soon as it comes to a round gift, things become more difficult, enough to regret having bought this very nice hat to your mom or this soccer ball to your son. But this year, we have decided to come to your aid, thanks to our detailed tutorial, wrapping your round gifts will quickly become a bad memory!

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Steps for wrapping a round gift

To begin, it is essential to have several items, your gift obviously as well as the packaging, scissors and tape. Then you will need to measure your wrapping sheet, it must be large enough to surround the entire gift lengthwise and it must reach half of your box on each side in height. Once you have obtained your rectangular sheet, you will place your round gift on the edge at one of the edges of the sheet which you will tape to it then roll it up in the gift paper before re-taping the other end. You therefore obtain a beautiful cylindrical object on which you will have to fold the paper.

Where the join is located between the two edges of the taped paper, you will have to fold the paper over the flat lid of the gift then fold the paper straight onto itself. All that remains is to turn the box and repeat the movement and the folding until all the paper is folded flat on the lid and the edge is grouped in the center of it on which you will come apply tape. And here we go, we do the same on the other side (top of the box). Once finished, you can then perfect your packaging with a pretty ribbon or bow to place where the fold meets on the top of the box. Enough to impress your friends and family the day you give them your precious package!

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