Here’s THE simple question that saved our marriage (when we were on the verge of divorce)

With the passage of time, the routine of daily life, and a life that goes at a hundred miles an hour, many marriages are on the rocks and it is really not easy to rekindle the flame of the relationship. love if both partners do not make a minimum of effort. If no one has yet found the miracle solution, an American novelist seems to have found a tip, used every day, which can really save all marriages

In France, about half of marriages end in divorce. This places the country tenth among European countries with the highest divorce rate, according to INSEE. Furthermore, in 75% of cases, it is women who file for divorce. An upward trend in recent years which owes nothing to chance. The first cause of separation is often routine…

For the vast majority of women, routine is a real love killer. They want sparks, butterflies in their stomachs, renewal. Men appreciate the comfort of an ordinary relationship, with their points of reference and their ties. Pascal Anger, psychologist specializing in family mediation, confirms this: “Women are braver than men! Men are more adapted and adaptable, while women are more decision-makers. They know what they want and what they don’t want. Men tend to be plan-plan. If things are not going well in their relationship, they will be able to arrange things on the side, but they are happy to have their comfort, the purr, while women hate that”.

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Men often bury their heads in the sand

Generally, men and women often have difficulty understanding each other’s needs. Many people say they didn’t see it coming and are shocked when their partner decides to leave them… This often happens when the relationship is at its worst and they are finally willing to make an effort, even though he is already too late to “repair” the relationship.

Often, the woman said and repeated things to the man who did not hear them. This is what will mean that at some point there will be too much and she will decide to leave. When I ask men: “Didn’t you hear your wife?”, they reply “yes, but I thought that…”. IThey did not listen to their wife when she asked for it. When they decide to change, it is too late because the woman has already moved elsewhere, and it is very hard to go back once you have made a decision.comments the specialist.

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The Daily Question That Can Save Your Marriage

American novelist Richard Evans recently confided that his marriage had run out of steam despite the mutual love that he and his wife had for each other. In an article on the site Better by Today, However, we understand that they managed to save their marriage thanks to a simple question that each started asking the other, every day. It’s simply a matter of asking your spouse How can I make your day better?

“Indeed, we often wonder what the other person can change to make us happier, but we rarely ask ourselves what we can change ourselves to make our partner feel better explains Julie Compton in this article from Better by Today. But for this technique to bear fruit, you must be sincere and not fall into a game of manipulation. You must sincerely want to improve the life of your other half for their own good, and not for personal purposes otherwise the person will feel betrayed and it will not work. Finally, you must also agree to question yourself rather than blaming all the blame on your partneradds novelist Richar Evans.

News journalist

A true jack-of-all-trades, passionate about travel, culture, society, people and beauty, Saliha writes for various media such as Escapade magazine, the GEOguide collection by Gallimard, Le Figaro…

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