here’s what happened

This traveler tried to use a pillowcase as hidden luggage before boarding a plane. And it took him badly.

With the summer period, trips to more or less distant destinations are on the agenda. Booking your plane flight, your accommodation at the vacation spot, and preparing your luggage requires a certain amount of organization and rigor. Indeed, we must remember only one hand baggage is authorized in the cabin.

To circumvent this immutable rule, some travelers do not hesitate to use hacks revealed on social networks. This is the case with this man who tried to use an everyday object to board the plane with your extra baggage. But the experience did not go as he had planned.

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A suspicious pillowcase

It was the user @natashaorganic who revealed this passenger’s misadventure on TikTok. A man took a pillowcase filled with clothes at Orlando International Airport. He carried it in his hand, in addition to the authorized baggage. The airport agent, however, quickly uncovered the deception used by the traveler in question.

She therefore decided to film the man who was arguing with another member of staff who was dressed in an orange vest. In her video, she sent the following message to his followers and Internet users : “Stop letting social media give you tips and tricks because sometimes it won’t work.”

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A misadventure that ends badly

The woman who observed and filmed the scene then continued her story. “This guy was trying to grab a pillowcase full of clothes and other items which he said was just a pillowcase…”, did she say. She then explained that everyone realized her pillowcase was full.

“They gave him the chance to pay for it, he went as far as them closing the doors to be like okay I’m going to pay for this now…” The traveler apparently tried to get back to the plane after that. Finally, the employees called airport security, who contacted the police. “And he ended up getting escorted, so stop listening to the internet”she concluded.

News Editor

Freelance editor for several years, I am passionate about cinema, series and news. Curious, I tackle social issues every day, topics related to celebrity news,…

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