Here’s what your child’s favorite Disney princess reveals about her personality, according to an expert

Disney princesses all have their quirks and they can be indicative of certain characteristics in your child. An expert explains everything.

All children are rocked by the Disney princesses and cartoons with worldwide success that are not new. Indeed, some cartoons have been around for a long time and cross generations. But, let’s be honest, everyone has their favorite Disney movie and/or princess… And that’s not trivial! A personality expert has revealed that your or your child’s favorite princess can reveal a lot about your personality or hers.

Susan Storm is the founder of the Psychology Junkie site and she elaborated in an article on everything the princesses you love reveal about you. From Ariel to Merida, she reveals all about the princesses we are used to seeing on our screens. Do not wait any longer to discover the particularities of each, much more than princesses, they are real everyday heroines for all children and adults.

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Princess by princess, what do they reveal about you?

Let’s start with the classics with Ariel, if you are a big fan of the mermaid here is what she shows of you according to Susan Storm: “Ariel from The Little Mermaid longs for a world beyond the known, beyond the traditional. She aspires to freedom, exploration and discovery she follows her heart – even when others try to discourage her.” She goes on to explain that children who are fans of Ariel will therefore be more curious and less afraid of changes and risks. The only downside: they would be less aware of responsibilities and obligations.

Then the psychologist analyzes Cinderella : “Aware and practical, Cinderella naturally cares for others while making the most of a life that has been cruel and unfair to her” Children would therefore be more aware of the importance good intentions and a motherly side. like the princess, they would be able to overcome many obstacles.

As for Snow Whiteshe is described as a princess “optimistic”she likes the surroundings “fun and harmonious” One thing is certain, your child will see life like her: “No matter what life throws at her, she moves forward without losing faith that life can be better”

For Pretty in Beauty and the Beast, it’s quite different the young woman is “insightful, curious and open-minded”. She also likes to take risks, which could be a quality in your child if it’s their favorite princess.

Elsa, of the snow queen, is also examined, obviously she does not like conflicts and she tends to follow her intuition. Thanks to its ease in solving puzzles, children who adore him would be curious and clever.

Merida, the Rebelle is the most eccentric of the lot and unsurprisingly, she loves adventure and being outdoors! Susan Storm explains: “She is often seen as reckless, but her actions stem from a strong desire to be free and make decisions for herself” Her red hair and her character can inspire your children who will have similar characteristics to the princess.

In Moana, the princess Moana is also a source of inspiration: “She finds ways to solve many problems in the village, acting quickly to bring about positive change. But with his qualities when it comes to leadership, she aspires to more. She wants to see what is beyond the reef.” The children who are fans of it would therefore be like her: “They need to feel that they are crossing a border or forging a new path. They are fascinated by the unknown and hate being locked up.

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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