Here’s why you should absolutely drink a cup of tea a day

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Antioxidants, detoxifying, a nutritionist explains why it is worth drinking at least one cup of tea every day.

Considered a “superfood” and a good detox drink by some experts, tea is also said to reduce iron absorption or dehydrate the body due to its diuretic properties. So is it really good to drink tea every day, and at what dose? To disentangle the true from the false, we asked the question to the nutritionist Sophie Janvierauthor of the book The gentle way to eat better published by Leduc.

Fervent follower of tea (if drunk pure, without added sugar), the nutritionist emphasizes the fact that this drink, like coffee, should not be consumed in excess. She tells us why we should all drink a cup of tea a day and reveals the benefits of tea on the body.

A drink rich in antioxidants

Tea is a drinkrich in polyphenols, these antioxidants that protect our cells from oxidation, and therefore from aging, and contribute to the prevention of many chronic diseases. Tea contains a wide variety of them, including catechins, theaflavins and thearubigins. According to NutriNet-Santé, tea is, along with coffee, our main source of antioxidants (33.6% of our daily intake), far ahead of fruits and vegetables” explains Sophie Janvier.

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The health benefits of tea

According to a 2015 study*, drinking a cup of green tea a day rreduce the risk of premature death by 4%, all causes combined, and even 5% mortality linked to cardiovascular disease. A more recent meta-analysis* notes a reduction of more than 20% in the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease from 5 cups of green tea a day.” Sophie Janvier goes on to explain that: “The consumption of green tea would also help prevent cognitive decline. It is also associated with lower blood cholesterol levels in obese people and promote weight loss. Drinking it does indeed increase thermogenesis (our heat production) a little, which makes you spend a few bonus calories!

Thanks to Sophie January

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*Jun Tang et al., Tea consumption and mortality of all cancers, CVD and all causes: a meta-analysis of eighteen prospective cohort studies, British Journal of Nutrition (2015), 114, 673–683.
*Shin S et al.. Coffee and tea consumption and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease and cancer: a pooled analysis of prospective studies from the Asia Cohort Consortium. Int J Epidemiol. 2021 Sep 1.

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