Here’s why you shouldn’t go to the bathroom at night

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Waking up several times a night is common and often we take the opportunity to go for a quick trip to the toilet. And yet you shouldn’t, we explain why.

Sleep is a major concern, yet the French sleep less and less and more and more badly. This is what emerges from an IFOP study for the Mattress site, published in 2022. Difficulty falling asleep, nocturnal awakenings, short nights, nearly one in three French people today say they are dissatisfied with their sleep. And more than 8 out of 10 French people wake up at night, almost half of them only once. These micro-alarm clocksif they are too frequent, can really have a impact on sleep quality according to specialists. And for good reason: a quarter of those who wake up say they take more than an hour to go back to sleep and 5% simply cannot. If there is no magic recipe to find the arms of Morpheus, there are however some behaviors that should be better avoided when it is difficult to go back to sleep, such as, for example, go to the toilet.

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The heartbeat activates when you get up

When you wake up at night because you have a pressing desire, it is obvious that you will not be able to postpone. On the other hand, if you are just awake for a few moments, avoid getting up to go to the bathroom or do any other activity. Indeed, when you get up, your heart rate increases, your body understands that you are ready to start your day, and therefore you will have difficulty falling back to sleep. Lie quietly, keep the lights low, and don’t do any stimulating activity like looking at your cell phone. If you turn on the lights, your brain will go straight into morning mode. If possible, don’t look at your watch either. For what ? This could lead to stress and also increase your heart rate, which is not conducive to sleep. There are several methods to find a calm mind, the method of mental walking, it consists of inviting people seeking sleep to visualize a long walk. Another technique: the countdown from 300 by three. A task so boring that you won’t be able to think of anything stressful and will quickly fall back asleep.

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