“He’s a narcissistic pervert”, the confessions of this former candidate about her ex

Émilie, candidate for season 6 of Married at First Sight, took to her Instagram account to denounce the behavior of her ex-companion. Shattering revelations…

Fans of the show Married at First Sight can currently follow the adventures of new couples for several weeks. While the latter were surprised to note Camille’s withdrawal or the difficult beginnings of Loïc and Ophélie, today, it was a former candidate who caught their attention. This is’Émilie, candidate for season 6 of the show.

The young mother had been matched with Frédérick during her appearance in Married at First Sight. Despite their accounting, the two partners had decided to separate. Following this, Émilie found love again. But it was short-lived. On May 6, the young woman spoke on her Instagram account to denounce the actions of his former companion.

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Émilie accuses her ex

I met someone who I thought was sincere, but I had doubts because he talked to me a lot about TV”, explained Émilie. The candidate for season 6 of Married at First Sight continued by calling her ex “manipulator” and of “narcissistic pervert”. “These are people who are sick, who are incapable of love, really. It fell on my back, I deciphered all these behaviors, everyone had warned me, I didn’t want to listen”, continued the mother.

Émilie has no doubt: “His goal is to be known, to use me, to make television, he didn’t like me at all“. She then accused her former companion of having continued to “talk to exes”. It is a new painful experience for Émilie which reminds her of what she experienced in Married at First Sight: “I got thrown out like shit, by text message (…) Zero respect, I’m reliving the same thing I experienced three years ago, the same profile“.

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His former companion responds

In Leisure TV, Émilie’s former companion, Bruno Alvez, wanted to defend himself against the young woman’s statements. “I would like to emphasize that I perceive the accusation of manipulation and narcissistic perversion as deeply hurtful and unfair. As a person, I constantly strive to act with integrity, respect and empathy towards others.“, did he declare.

Bruno Alvez then explained that he preferred to stay away from the light during his relationship with his partner: “Émilie says that I wanted to be with her to do TV when on the contrary I asked her not to expose myself on the networks because I start from the principle, ‘let’s live, happy, live hidden’“. Having already participated in shows like Wheel of Fortune and Les 12 coups de midi, he maintained that he did not need someone to do TV. For him, the young woman used it to increase her popularity : “From [Mariés au premier regard] she was losing audience and thanks to me she rose to 98,400 followers. We were subtle about the stories so as not to show myself and it worked, because people were curious to one day know the face of the lucky person.” Case to be continued.


Passionate about issues of feminism and society, Allison puts her pen to work on current events for Aufeminin. It covers a wide range of themes to provide you with…

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