‘He’s our guide’: In rural Turkey, unwavering support for Erdoğan

Caroline Baudry (in Iznik) / Photo credit: BURAK KARA / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP

Four days before the Turkish presidential election, the ballot still promises to be tight. Outgoing President Erdoğan is facing a united opposition for the first time after twenty years in power. However, the curator still enjoys strong support outside very large cities, such as in Iznik, 200 km from Istanbul, where Europe 1 visited.


In Iznik, while the muezzin sings, the tractors parade. End of the day for the farmers who find their small town and its oversized flags. A few days before the presidential election in the country, the face of the Islamo-conservative Erdoğan is everywhere. “He’s our guide,” says Nazza. The latter runs a cattle feed store. She is draped in black and purple from head to toe.

Wearing the veil and relations with Russia in the balance

“Before him, this veil that covers my hair was called a dishcloth by others. Universities refused veiled women. Since the arrival of our president, this problem has been solved. He will win with the help of God”, explains Nazza, confident.

Opposite, Yakou comes to buy fertilizer. This young pro-AKP activist – the outgoing president’s party – sees Erdoğan’s relations with Putin in a good light. “We are farmers, we produce nectarines, we export to Russia. We must maintain good relations with this country so that our productions have value. I bet you that we will win with 53%! After the elections, come back and ask for Yakou the peasant,” he announces. A victory in the first round, assures the young man, in this city of Turkey considered as a pro-Erdoğan stronghold.

And among the 3,400,000 voters who voted in advance before the general election scheduled for Sunday in the country, the Turkish diaspora is also rather won over to the Islamo-conservative camp. Abroad, polling stations closed on Tuesday evening.

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