Hidden picture: Only 1% can find the hidden faces in this picture

Hidden picture
Can you find the hidden faces in this picture?

In the video you will find out where the faces are hiding.

There are two faces hidden in this retro picture of a cow and a woman. Can you find them in no time? Test yourself in the video.

This picture shows an idyllic scene: a woman is standing in a pasture with a cow on a leash and looking into the distance. It is a sunny day, which has been depicted here as a shadow is reflected on the ground. But there is much more to the picture than one might initially think.

Where are the faces hiding?

There are two faces hidden in this drawing. Only a small percentage of people are able to discover the hidden faces in a very short time. Are you one of them? You can find the solution in the video!

Source used: indiatimes.com


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