High damage to fields – Styria releases 7,700 crows to be shot

The shooting of crows in Styria has been banned for a year, but that will change again: 7,700 birds are to be “released” in a new regulation – to the delight of numerous farmers.

Coincidence or not: On Friday, the Chamber of Agriculture went public with the report that crows are causing particularly high damage to the fields this year. Young maize plants in particular would be regularly destroyed by the birds, and all attempts at defense (scarecrows, loudspeakers, etc.) by the farmers had little effect. Plant cultivation boss Arno Mayer did not want to confirm when asked by “Krone”. Individual farmers, on the other hand, expressed their desire for renewed hunting more clearly. This year and next year, 7,700 culling allowed As has now become known, the state of Styria is actually preparing a regulation by which 7,700 crows can be “lethally scared” both this year and next year . This is confirmed by the office of the Minister for the Environment, Ursula Lackner (SPÖ). To which regions the regulation applies and whether it is justified by the high damage in agriculture, one would like to announce in a few days. As has the crow population. The hunting ban last year was justified by the fact that the population of crows in Styria has almost halved since 2008.
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