High speeds and reduced latency: how can 5G become an ally for businesses?

With the rise of connected objects,Internet of Things and cloud-based services, companies’ very high-speed Internet needs are greater than ever. In this context, 5G presents itself as a better ally than fiber.

Reduced latency, the rise of cloud gaming, greatly improved speed and size of downloads, on paper, 5G is not lacking in assets to significantly improve the daily lives of French people. That said, this network standard, still being rolled out in France, is also a boon for businesses.

Technically, 5G is capable of delivering such speed (up to 10 times higher than that of 4G) and such low latency (up to 10 times lower than the previous generation) that it allows communication more faster and wider between different connected devices.

For companies, the benefits are numerous. Better productivity, of course, but also control of information (really) in real time. Companies specializing in Machine-to-Machine (or M2M) and IoT, such as Wireless Logic, are developing 5G packages to adapt to the new needs of companies.

M2M? IoT? What is that ?

At the risk of breaking an open door: a connected object is not simply a device equipped with a flashing diode or an LED screen that displays a ” Bonjour Monde “. It is a device that communicates with one or more other objects via network standards. The two best known are the M2M (for Machine-to-Machinewhich is generally linked to the professional world) and the IoT (for Internet of Things, which the general public is more familiar with). It is more specifically the association of information and communication technologies, with so-called intelligent and communicating objects, with the aim of providing them with the means to interact without human intervention with the system of communication. ‘information.

The three main uses of 5G. // Source: Arcep

M2M devices are based on technologies allowing two machines to communicate with each other, without human intervention. grandmother of theIoT, this standard is often used in a closed environment, for single-tasking use. For example, a connected faucet can shut off the water supply if a drop in pressure is detected in the pipe.

More recent, theIoT goes further, since it is based on the Cloud, which allows it not only to connect several objects together, but also to unify different and complex tasks in an ecosystem. This allows, among other things, the development of subscription-based services, particularly in home surveillance. Indeed, during an intrusion, the system will not only trigger the alarm, but also activate the cameras, contact the authorities or the security service and lock access according to the information collected by the various sensors. All through a single service.

Concretely, what will 5G be used for in business?

5G is therefore a real added value for companies relying on technologies IoT, since the ultra-high throughput and reduced latency enable real-time communication between various devices, even in complex tasks.

Imagine a company specializing in remote monitoring providing a service to a large city. L’IoT makes it possible to collect all the information captured by the cameras and the various sensors distributed in the agglomeration, and to bring them together in the same place.

The advantage of a 5G SIM card is multiple for this type of service. The broadband allows you to enjoy a video stream in real time, and in high graphic quality. This reduces the number of errors when identifying a potential threat. Reduced latency allows the system to react faster to a problem… without having to wire it up.

High speeds and reduced latency: how can 5G become an ally for businesses?
The advantages of a 5G SIM. // Source: Wireless Logic

Finally, a 5G SIM card offers great mobility. You will be able to enjoy the same connection performance wherever you are, and not only on your company site.

Wireless Logic: the advantages of a quality M2M service

In the case of the M2M SIM card offered by Wireless Logic, in the event of a 5G antenna failure, your network will automatically connect to the nearest antenna so as not to interrupt the proper functioning of your services. An adaptability that a fiber package does not allow since in the event of a breakdown, you must wait for the return to normal or the intervention of an external technician.

High speeds and reduced latency: how can 5G become an ally for businesses?
You can control your network in real time. // Source: Wireless Logic

Of course, theIoT associated with 5G will be extremely beneficial to road transport companies with autonomous vehicles. As long as the city has connected urban equipment, vehicles will be able to obtain real-time information on traffic, the availability of charging stations and current legislation (prohibition of driving in certain areas, etc.) in order to optimize their journey. Again, a 5G SIM card offers great mobility that fiber does not allow.

165 countries and 750 operators worldwide

Of course, every business has different needs. This is why Wireless Logic offers an M2M SIM card offer that can be personalized according to your expectations.

Wireless Logic group is a European leader in the field of IoT Connectivity Management. Among other things, it offers an M2M SIM card offer as well as a connectivity management platform.

A service that adapts to both prototyping stages requiring a handful of devices and large-scale deployment, whether in France or Europe. With a single M2M SIM card, it is possible to have access to all networks in France, Europe and the world (165 countries and 750 operators worldwide) in GSM, 3G, 4G, 5G or LTE-M.

Source: Numerama

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