high temperatures increase the risk, supervision of children remains essential


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Several cases of child drowning have been reported since the start of the summer season. Extreme heat increases the risk of accidents.

At the beginning of July, a 19-month-old girl drowned in the family swimming pool, in the Tarn. Two weeks later, a grandmother and her 8-month-old grandson died by drowning in Toulouse. On July 29, a 3-year-old boy also drowned in an inflatable pool in the Gers. On August 3, a two-year-old child drowned after falling into his grandparents’ swimming pool. ” Yes, this summer there are a lot of drownings », confirms to Parisian Aymeric Ung, specialist in the matter at Public Health France. A phenomenon due in particular to the multiple heat waves recorded in France since the beginning of the summer. ” This long period of heat is conducive to accidentsnotes the specialist. There is more swimming and more risk takingwith a search for places less frequented, more isolated, often synonymous with non-surveillance and difficult access for emergency services in the event of a problem “. Every year, hundreds of children are victims of drowning during the summer season. In 2021, 332 drownings of children aged 0 to 5, including 23 fatal, have been recorded in France : 231 at the swimming pool, 39 at the sea and 29 in another context (bath, pool, etc.). According the 2021 drowning survey conducted from June 1 to September 30, 2021, accidental drownings are more numerous in children under 6 years old (22%) and seniors over 65 (26%).

Supervision of children remains essential

According to Public Health France, drownings in 6 – 12 year olds usually occur due to a “ exhaustion, lack of supervision, a fall or the presence of currents and baïnes (for drownings in a natural environment) “. Vigilance is therefore the key preventive element. Each swim must be supervised and supervised by an attentive adult.

The best thing is for this person to be in the water with the child, for a time defined in advance.advises Aymeric Ung. She plays and has fun with him and doesn’t get distracted by her cell phone or discussions around her. “. Note that it is possible to drown in a small amount of water. Even submerged in 20cm of water, toddlers must also be closely monitored. Young children can drown in less than a minute.

Social journalist, Barbara is particularly interested in human and social sciences (psychology, sociology and philosophy), feminism and health, well-being and…

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