Higher incidence value “necessary”: municipalities call for a later emergency brake

Higher incidence value “necessary”
Municipalities are calling for a later emergency brake

The German Association of Towns and Municipalities approves the fact that the fight against pandemics in Germany is to be standardized. But he has his problems with blanket curfews: They should not exist until there is a seven-day incidence of 200 at the earliest.

The German Association of Towns and Municipalities considers nationwide curfews across Germany to be wrong, but in principle welcomes a nationwide approach to the corona pandemic. “However, it is essential to pay attention to the incidence development in the individual cities and districts,” said the chief executive of the federal government, Gerd Landsberg, of the Düsseldorf “Rheinische Post”. There will “certainly no blanket exit restrictions”.

Landsberg pointed out that there are still health authority districts that are below an incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. The curfew discussed in the draft for changes to the Infection Protection Act from an incidence value of 100 is constitutionally problematic. “Such a far-reaching intervention must be limited in time and precisely justified.” He added: “Here it is necessary to bet on a higher incidence value (for example 200 and higher).”

Landsberg emphasized at the same time: “The German Association of Towns and Municipalities considers more federally uniform requirements in the Infection Protection Act to be correct.” The previous resolutions of the Chancellor and the Prime Ministers had been interpreted differently in the federal states. This affects the containment of the pandemic and acceptance among the population.

Landsberg emphasized that the amendment to the Infection Protection Act was not about disempowering the federal states and municipalities, but solely about establishing some guard rails that should apply nationwide. The implementation must always take into account the special conditions on site. “Under these conditions, we consider the approaches of the planned changes to be acceptable and necessary for infection protection,” he said.

The draft for a stricter Infection Protection Act provides nationwide uniform night curfews from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in all districts and urban districts with a seven-day incidence of 100 or more. Further regulations concern the closure of schools, daycare centers, shops, restaurants, universities, sports facilities and cultural institutions. The law is to be passed by the cabinet in the coming week and then go quickly to the parliamentary process.
