his cash response to a man who insulted him


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While shopping, Friday, May 27, Marianne James was the victim of grossophobia. On TikTok, she revealed her cash response to the man who insulted her.

Marianne James does not have her tongue in her pocket: beware of those who would dare to insult her! Friday, May 27, the ex-juror of the new star was a victim of fatphobia, while shopping in a supermarket in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. A young man – who missed an opportunity to be quiet – allowed himself to reflect on his physical appearance. On TikTok, the diva revealed her answer.

In detail, she was in a dairy department when this one whispered in his ear: “the 0% is over there.” Shocked, on the spot, the author-composer found nothing to answer. The individual, seeing that she did not react, continued to shop. A few minutes later, the singer found herself at the checkout. Seeing it a little further, she had the idea to take her revenge. “Once I have [eu] paid, and that I was going to leave, I [suis revenue] towards him and I him [ai dit] : ‘the box of idiots, it’s this one!’she said, with a lot of humor.

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Charline Vergne

Even if she appreciates being able to deal with extremely diverse subjects, passionate about travel, Charline is particularly interested in themes related to society, climate, environment, psychology…

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