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Illustrious dancer from the Paris Opera, Marie-Agnès Gillot is about to make her grand entrance on the floor of “Dancing with the Stars”, but on the “backstage” side, since she will officiate as a juror for this new season. . The opportunity to learn more about the offspring of this one.

She embodies marginality in an environment where rigor is required. Marie-Agnes Gillot, iconic star of the Paris Opera, is today really out of the institution, but certainly not on tiptoe. Freedom, she never deprived herself of it. From his way of dancing, through his media appearances through multiple shows or playing the fashion muses, being the headliner is a habit. As proof, the sculptural brunette aged 46 will take her place, from September 9, 2022, with the other members of the jury from the twelfth season of Dance with the stars : Chris Marques, historical juror of the program, François Alu, illustrious dancer, and Bilal Hassani, finalist last year.

The former dancer and choreographer with a outspoken and a flamboyant personality will certainly be noticed by candidates and viewers. A strength of character that allowed Marie-Agnès Gillot to climb the ladder at lightning speed. In this veritable professional whirlwind, she still managed to give birth to a son :Paul. An additional success in an environment where motherhood is often considered problematic and out of step with the tumult of classical dance. And since she never liked to do things like everyone else, the dancer decided toraise your child with the same freedom who has always guided her: “I raise him alone. I made the choice not to live with his dad. I don’t like the idea of ​​the couple“, she confided to the magazineThe Parisian.

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Marie-Agnès Gillot: “My son lives within a true matriarchal system”

Alone with her child, but all the samesupported in her homeMarie-Agnès Gillot managed to find a some balance to raise his son as well as possible while continuing to practice his demanding profession. “Like many single mothers, I sleep little and I run a lot. Several women help me to keep it, I adore them all and I have known them for a long time. My son lives within a true matriarchal system”, she confided in the pages of Elle magazine in 2014. Note that the new juror of Dancing with the stars did not stop dancing during pregnancyas if carried by the upcoming arrival of this child: “I was so strong, so full of joy that I danced on stage until my fourth month of pregnancy. I trained until the seventh month.

Anastasia Wolfstirn

Curious, Anastasia has a malleable pen. Society, culture, lifestyle, politics, women’s rights… Committed, Anastasia likes to dissect the news from all angles to deliver the substance…

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