his confidences without taboo on his burn-out


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Despite a career at the height of her glory, Sandra Bullock wants to put a stop to it. She is exhausted.

Sandra Bullock is on all counts this year. The actress starred in the film The Secret of the Lost City, released in April. We will find her in another successful production this summer 2022, alongside Brad Pitt. Nothing stops the rise of Sandra Bullock who has become a reference actress. She is one of the 10 highest paid actresses in Hollywood. What’s more, Sandra Bullock isn’t just a successful actress. She also wears other hats, she also produces and directs films.

On the personal side, she is the mother of two children Louis and Laila. Despite all these facets and her success, Sandra Bullock begins to doubt. At least to bend. She’s just tired of the backlog. She has had many projects in recent years without forgetting that she does everything to be present for her children. A significant mental and physical burden for the actress, now 57 years old. She acknowledges the blow.

I am so exhausted. I’m so tired and I’m so not able to make healthy, smart decisions and that I know”she confided to the Hollywood Reporter in all sincerity.

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Sandra Bullock wants rest and more freedom

The American actress was able to recognize her limits before reaching a total burn-out. “I no longer want to be beholden to anyone’s schedule but my own,” she explained to The Hollywood Reporter. Sandra Bullock needs to take her time again, spend more time with her children.

“Sometimes I had to remind myself that I didn’t need my job to exist”, admits the actress who has chained the projects without a break. Unvarnished, the actress of bird box, prefers to assume its needs and preserve itself. She therefore made the choice to put her career on hold, without deciding for how long. It is also this freedom that she finally offers herself, following her instincts and listening to her body.

Amina Boumazza

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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