his daughter Gabriella improvises as a hairdresser for the start of the school year


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For the start of the school year, Gabriella, the daughter of Charlene de Monaco, decided to take the scissors to get a new haircut for herself and for her brother.

Welcome back to school. When the new school year arrived, the children of Charlene and Albert of Monaco wanted test a new look. If some choose to start the school year with a new pair of shoes, a new school bag or a special outfit, the Grimaldi twins wanted to change their hairstyle. And seven years old, Gabriella of Monaco decided it was timeshe does her own hair.

In a post instagram, Charlene of Monaco has shared her daughter’s prowess. On this one, his children appear in pajamas, their hair cut in an original way. Gabriella from Monaco is sporting very short bangs in some places and her twin brother, Jacques, looks like he’s had a few random snips to his blonde hair. “Gabriella gave herself and her brother a haircut”, commented the princess consort. Faced with the hair disaster, the wife of Albert II of Monaco was ironic about her looking forward to going back to school next monday.

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Louise Leboyer

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