his explanation fails to convince

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When they came to check that their children were sleeping well, these parents realized that a stranger had slipped into their bed. And he slept there peacefully!

While children aged 5 and 7 were sleeping, the little girl had a fit of coughing. Her mother-in-law then decides to come and check that everything is fine and she discovers that a man is sleeping in the children’s bed. The intruder slept in the middle, between the two little ones. Panicked, the woman goes to look for her companion who is the father of the two children. The father reacts immediately, he wakes the man and violently pulls him out of the room. In a burst of lucidity, he detains him so that the police can question him when he arrives.

The facts occurred on the night of December 3 to 4, 2022 and in court, the parents remain shocked by what they experienced. The man was in fact very alcoholic and had just come out of a drunk tank when he entered the house. If he did not already understand the fear of the parents on the evening of the facts, facing the court, he still does not seem to grasp the gravity of his act…

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The man explained his gesture

Released from drunk tank on the night of December 3 to 4 when he had been arrested in the afternoon for drunkenness on the public highway, he was discovered around 5am in the children’s bed. In front of the court, he explains why he entered the house of this family: “I was looking for a hotel but I couldn’t find anything (…) The door was open and I just wanted to sleep away from the cold. I didn’t realize that I was between two children.”

The mother-in-law who discovered the presence of the intruder is not convinced by these explanations: “That he had no malicious intentions, I want to believe him, but that he didn’t see the toys lying around and the children sleeping in the bed, I have a little more evil.” The intruder gets away with a fine of €800 and a 6-month prison sentence. The parents, meanwhile, are asking for a distancing measure to be taken.

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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