his mother speaks

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Five years after the disappearance of her stepdaughter, killed by her son, Jonathann Daval’s mother speaks through a book to tell her version of the story.

“A waking nightmare.” Since the night of October 28 to 29, 2017, during which Alexia Fouillot, wife Daval, disappeared, the life of Martine Henry has been turned upside down. Mother-in-law of the victim and mother of the one who will prove to be the culprit, Jonathann Daval, she was walled in silence. Two years after her son was sentenced to 25 years in prison for spousal murder, the 66-year-old mother is about to release the book Me, mother of Jonathann Davalco-written with Plana Radenovic.

“It’s like everything is a waking nightmare. As if nothing belonged to me anymore”explains Martine Henry at Sunday newspaper about his life since the disappearance of Alexia Fouillot. “I want to speak in my turn. To show that reality is always more complicated. My son, Jonathann, is not a monster, even if what he has done is monstrous, she assures. Jonathann is a good person who committed the horror.” If the childminder recognizes her son’s gesture, she still can’t figure it out.

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Martine Henry’s many questions

“I don’t explain it. Even today, I think about it all the time”reports Martine Henry who sticks to the lawyer’s conclusions of his son who evoked a “pressure cooker effect” and “a lot of unsaid accumulated”. Long unable to conceive that her son was a criminal, Jonathann Daval’s mother learned of his confession in court. If many questions still remain unanswered today, the mother of the family also spent time questioning his role in the case. “After such a tragedy, we see everything that has happened since childhood and we question ourselves, she admits to JDD. What did I do ? What did I miss? Jonathann was a quiet, solitary child. It was going very well at school. We’ll never know, I guess.”


Culture, fashion, sport, health, gastronomy, many subjects fascinate Louise, especially when they relate to societal issues. From the latest fashion show to the new series release, she dissects the news and…

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