his next game is already making everyone angry

Obviously not very aware of the opinion of the players, Ubisoft unveils with great fanfare its Blockchain video game which is already infuriating everyone. Explanations.

Surprise and not the least, Ubisoft has just announced a brand new game bearing the name of Champions Tactics Grimoria Chronicles, either a tactical RPG focusing its gameplay mainly on PVP. If at first glance it is a fairly classic game, one of the features has something to talk about since the work intends to exploit the blockchain. Either everything a player does not want in 2023, we explain why.

A Blockchain video game for Ubisoft

If for the absent we cannot discover gameplay for Champions Tactics Grimoria Chronicles we already know that it will be controversial for the use of the Blockchain. For the record, the blockchain is a technology that makes it possible to decentralize and anonymize the data stored there. It is used as the basis for cryptocurrency transactions, as well as for the sale of NFTs. This same market which completely collapsed in 2023 and which no longer really resonates with anyone. The simple accumulation of the words Video game, Blockchain and NFT in the same sentence is enough to tense the minds of the most open players, because behind it is often synonymous for many with disillusion or even complete scam. Obviously in this type of game, it is your bank account that is targeted and the mercantile desire is pushed to its climax by the publisher and the developer.


The worst of the worst?

This is unfortunately not the first time that Ubisoft has tried to exploit this type of technology since in 2021 the French-speaking publisher launched Quartz, an NFT exchange platform. After an icy reception, even disastrous for the image of the company, the idea had been abandoned. But it is clear that the controversy of two years ago was not enough since Champions Tactics Grimoria Chronicles falls under the same register and the same kind of ideas. Now we can for example imagine without getting too wet a title where the player’s inventory takes the form of NFT even if nothing is confirmed for the moment. Given the state of the NFT market, we have serious doubts about the feasibility of such a project, even if everything is obviously possible in video games, especially when it comes to taking money.

On your side, that pDo you think of this type of game that uses Blockchain technology? Is it a project that interests you or on the contrary that tends to scare you?

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