his novel will be adapted for television

/ Culture / TV / Laëtitia Milot: One of her novels will be adapted for television

One of Laëtitia Milot's novels, Liés pour la vie, will be adapted for television on TF1. And the actress will play in it.

by Melanie Bonvard

His novel We will meet each other again had been adapted for the small screen before. This time, it's the turn of the book Bound for life to have the right to its adaptation on television. The TF1 channel will be responsible for this production of the novel by Laëtitia Milot that we discovered several years ago in More beautiful life. Filming began on August 3 and will highlight the story of Lucie, a rider on her way to the Olympics and who sees her life change when she is the victim of an accident. She was hit by a car and lost the use of her legs. Everything falls apart for the young woman who can say goodbye to her dreams, not to mention her relationship with her father shaken while he had been training her for years. All this is without counting Saphir, her horse, that she will no longer be able to ride. We will thus follow the path towards the reconstruction of this broken young woman. At the hospital, Lucie is going to meet Marc. If she falls under his spell, it will take a while for her to realize that this man is the one who turned her life upside down since he was behind the wheel of the car that overturned her.

In the scenario, we can find Caroline Franc, who had collaborated in the writing of Clem, as well as Catherine Ramberg to whom owed the script of Charity bazaar. The TV movie, which probably should be in two parts, will be directed by Jean-Marc Rudnicki. Casting side, in addition to Laëtitia Milot, we can find François Vincentelli, Cristiana Reali, Antoine Duléry, Samir Boitard, Charlie Loiselier, Juliette Navis, Charlotte Deysine, Salim Kissari, Nicolas Djermag as well as Grégory Gaule or Bruno Paviot. No broadcast date has yet been announced by TF1. We will therefore have to arm ourselves with a little more patience. In the meantime, Laëtitia Milot posted a shooting photo where she holds, delighted, a clap in her hand.

Film actress, Host

Laëtitia Milot posts a wonderful family photo for Lyana's two years

Video by Melanie Bonvard