his particular method to cure his addiction to sugar


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On her Instagram account, Thursday June 30, Camille Cerf spoke about her recent weight gain, due in particular to an addiction to sugar. The ex-Miss France revealed how she intended to treat herself.

Camille Cerf confided without taboo on her body with its 980,000 subscribers on Instagram. After revealing that she had recently gained weight, the former beauty queen confessed to having a hard time accepting her few extra pounds. “It’s difficult, because even if I advocate the positive body and that I find all the bodies very beautiful, I am very hard with mine”, she said in a story, on June 23. Visibly saddened by the image she sends back today in the mirror, the 27-year-old young woman explained the reasons for this change. “I’ve put on quite a bit of weight lately (I’d say 10-15 kilos, I don’t weigh myself) because of the love, the stress and the fast pace”she said with sincerity.

To help her lose weight, Camille Cerf had his “first appointment of therapeutic hypnosis” in order to regulate its “stress issues” and his “sugar addiction”, she told internet users. A very particular method but visibly effective in the eyes of the companion of Théo Fleury. “During this meditation, I visualized myself as a cinema screen in which I saw myself having compulsive behaviors with food. And it’s crazy because imagining myself eating without hunger made me a little sad, she said. During this first session, Miss France 2015 assured that she hadthe impression of having a click”. The proof, once back home, the young woman only ate “two small cookies”. “Not the whole package, as I usually do”she concluded.

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Camille Cerf “ill in his skin” because of his weight gain

If she usually feels good about herselfCamille Cerf confided that he no longer recognized himself in this new body. “In everyday life, I feel super thin, so it’s very difficult when I’m faced with the reality of my image in photos or on TV. I don’t recognize myself and it weighs on me a lotshe said on Instagram, on June 23, before explaining the origin of her addiction to sugar. “It’s a vicious circle because, as I feel bad about myself, I compensate by comforting myself with food. I have a lot of work-related annoyances right now.”admitted the friend of Iris Mittenaere, specifying that she hoped that her worries “will settle quickly” so she can feel good again “in [sa] head then in [son] body”.

Josephine de Rubercy

Curious and passionate about pop culture, Joséphine is a fan of music, series and even Instagram of all kinds. If she loves to follow people news and the latest …

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