his tip for perfect makeup removal and the area not to be forgotten

This Thursday, November 1, 2023, Cristina Cordula took to her Instagram account to share her tip for achieving perfect makeup removal. The opportunity to learn more about this area that you should not forget to take care of your skin properly.

When Cristina Cordula talks about fashion, hair or makeup, most Internet users take notes. This Thursday, November 1, 2023, the fashionista once again took to her social networks to share her valuable advice with her community. Indeed, the one who has established herself as a true queen of fashion in France and beyond its borders is not content to provide advice in the context of the fashion shows that she hosts, she is a activity to which she dedicates herself full time.

If some people took advantage of this holiday to watch horror films for Halloween, there is no question for Cristina Cordula of hiding under a blanket. The host of the show Shopping queens takes advantage of this day of rest to share a cosmetic tip for achieving perfect makeup removal. The opportunity to talk about this part of the face that should not be forgotten because it can contain deposits.

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Cristina Cordula: ‘there are always deposits’

“How to properly remove makeup from your skin? ESSENTIAL step in my beauty routine, today I show you how I remove makeup from my skin. And you ? Do you also take special care when removing makeup?” can we read in the caption of the short video tutorial shared by Cristina Cordula on her account Instagram. In the sequence in question we can see the host carrying out her makeup removal routine while she explains the different steps orally. A task that she seems to take very seriously.

“I attach particular importance to removing makeup from my skin”, she warns in the introduction. And to add: “I use a square cotton pad for baby cleansing, it’s a large cotton pad, it’s good because it covers the entire face. I use micellar water and go everywhere.” Cristina Cordula insists on the need to not forget any part of the face and especially not this area in particular. You have to go over the hairline carefully because there are always deposits”she insists.

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Before detailing: “And I change cotton several times with micellar water. I don’t forget the neck obviously, and I go over it several times, until the cotton is immaculately white. Then I wash my face with a special facial oil soap. Wash in cold water, then dry well.” And to conclude: “And here is my skin, it is very fresh and very clean to be hydrated.”

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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