his very surprising diet to keep the line

At the age of 65, Arielle Dombasle fascinates the crowds. With her unique style and her slender silhouette, she is one of the most original personalities of the audiovisual landscape in France. She has done everything, actress, director, singer, Arielle Dombasle has always kept a very slim physique, she reveals her secret today.

At over 60 years old, 65 exactly, we still wonder how the beautiful Arielle Dombasle can have such an incredible figure. Regularly nicknamed Barbie doll by the media, she had indicated that she did not like this nickname at all. If the press refers above all to her beautiful blond hair when he nicknamed her thus, it is also for her thinness and her sculptural silhouette.

As she prepares for the release of her next album on September 13, The secrets of Princess CarignanArielle Dombasle gave an interview to the magazine Paris Match. An interview during which she talks about her lifestyle as well as her diet which allows her to keep the line even if she agrees that originally she has ” luck “, because in his family “the women were very thin“.

A “not very Catholic” regime

Confidences on confidences for the singer. It’s in the columns ofParis Matchthat she reveals the diet she follows and which surprisingly helps her keep the line, eating habits that she describes as “not very catholic“.

The singer who has been a vegetarian for many years explains: “Tea, cheeses and seeds! Almonds and cashews, it’s full of energy and very good for the skin“. A diet that she accompanies with a good dose of physical activity: “I swim a lot. (…) My grandmother lived to be 102 years old, she said to me: “My darling, a walk every day of her life, at any latitude!”. Like her, I am a being of movement. A high-speed animal. Always restless“.

She also raised a controversial subject that could help her keep her figure so perfect: her non-desire for children. After more than 30 years of marriage with the writer Bernard-Henri Lévy, she gives her reasons: “I am one of those women who chose it, wanted it. Kinds of eternal maidens. Pasionaria never became a mother. On the other hand, I try to be a perfect godmother“. A totally assumed choice of life.

The people? Everyone! Passionate about media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it is natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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