Historic success in the ice ring: The Olympic fairy tale of Erin Jackson

Historic success in the Ice Ring
Erin Jackson’s Olympic Tale

By Stephan Uersfeld

US speed skater Erin Jackson wins the gold medal in the 500 meters on Sunday. She is the first woman of color to win in this sport. It is the culmination of a special story that tells of friendship, team spirit, fairness and a roller skate trainer.

When Erin Jackson failed early at the US Trials in January, the Olympic dream for the then best short-distance speed skater was shattered. The best chance of a medal is gone. Then everything turned out differently. Because the victory at the trials had gone to her mentor Brittany Bowe. With an altruistic act, she opened the door to a historic event. Just over a month later, 29-year-old Jackson becomes the first woman of color to win Olympic speed skating gold.

When Erin Jackson secured gold, she burst into tears. Next to her is Bowe, the flag bearer of the US team. The Olympic victory in 37.04 seconds was the culmination of a long journey that had taken both athletes from the southern United States first to Salt Lake City and then finally into the history books in Beijing. “It was a roller coaster ride, a wild ride. This gold medal sweetens everything,” said Jackson about the last few months and a little bit about the 29-year-old’s long journey to gold.

“I’m a piece of the puzzle, but this moment should be hers alone,” said Bowe: “I can’t put into words how proud I am of her. She showed the world why she deserves to be here on Start to stand. Now she’s an Olympic champion.” In doing so, Bowe massively downplayed her role in the story.

“This is the Olympic Spirit”

Brittany Bowe was the US team’s flag bearer.

(Photo: picture alliance/dpa)

In January, when everything seemed to be over for Jackson at the trials, Bowe didn’t think twice. She had already qualified for the Games in the 1000m and 1500m. Little did she know at the time that she would later even make it to the 500 meters via a reserve list. What the 33-year-old knew was what the Winter Olympics meant to Jackson, and she also knew the gold medal opportunity was huge. The 33-year-old put her personal success on hold and left her starting place to Erin Jackson. “I can’t put it into words at all,” Jackson said after Bowe’s decision.

“She was always there for me, helped me even when I was new back then,” she told the cameras. “She’s always been a wonderful mentor and a wonderful person.” And Bowe replied: “That’s the Olympic spirit. It’s about being a good teammate. It’s about something bigger than me. It’s about Team USA. Erin can win a medal, hopefully even gold, and it’s me It’s an honor to give her this chance.”

The story of friendship begins nearly two decades ago in Ocala. This is not only the equestrian capital of the world, it has also been the secret capital of speed skating for a long time. The city, located in rural Florida, doesn’t even have an ice rink. But a private airport. And an aviator community that lives there. One of the first residents was US actor John Travolta, a keen aviator who immediately affords two more hangars for his planes.

The Story of Renee Hildebrand

But in addition to the horses and Travolta, Renee Hildebrand is also based in Ocala. The 59-year-old moved to the city in the early 1990s. Since then she has been taking care of the inline skaters, who do their laps at a crazy pace but will never take part in the Winter Olympics. But the most talented runners were soon drawn to Salt Lake City. The US speed skaters train there and Bowe was drawn there in 2010. She had given up her homeland and a basketball career for this. Jackson, four years her junior, stayed with the roller skates. She continued to train with Hildebrand, racking up success after success, had pace but had never skated, even when her high school teachers tried to convince her. “You’re not always going to be young,” they told Jackson, who preferred to stay in Florida and study and race from title to title on roller skates. It wasn’t until March 2017, when she was 24, that she ventured onto ice.

When she hit the ice at the trials in early 2018, she had just a few months of experience. It was enough to qualify for the Olympic Games, which surprised everyone. But in South Korea the competition was too strong. Jackson only made his breakthrough in 2021, then the trials came and a world collapsed for the former coach Hildebrand. Until she got a message from Bowe. The 33-year-old told her old trainer that she would give up the starting place. “That,” Hildebrand said, “has meant more to me than anything else in my coaching career. I try to train my runners as team athletes. Supporting one another. Give and take. But Brittany took that to the next level. ”

And their former students also know who they have to thank for their success. “Our success really speaks for Renee and what a great coach she is,” said Jackson of the Winter Olympics. “Not only did she prepare us physically, but she was an amazing motivator. She instilled confidence in us athletes. Thanks to her, we believe we can achieve everything we set out to do.” Brittany Bowe is going for gold in the 1000m on Thursday. Erin Jackson will be sitting in the stands and crossing her fingers for her friend. “Hopefully we can celebrate gold together,” Jackson said. Renee Hildebrand will be watching in Ocala, Florida. The woman who brought the Olympic spirit back to the Games.

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