Hit by an ashtray: AfD politician injured in the head in Schwerin

Hit by ashtray
AfD politician injured in the head in Schwerin

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Before the European elections, physical attacks on politicians are increasing. Now there is an incident in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. An AfD MP is then taken to a hospital.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, an AfD member of the state parliament was attacked and injured. The unnamed politician was hit in the head by a glass ashtray thrown at him in a bar in Schwerin on Friday night and suffered a head laceration, the police said. He was taken to a hospital.

According to the officials, the alleged perpetrator, a 52-year-old, is said to have noticed the AfD politician in a group of four and initially insulted him. There was then an argument, whereupon the alleged perpetrator threw the glass ashtray in the direction of the state parliament member.

According to local police, the suspect said he had acted out of political dislike. He assigned himself to the political left-wing spectrum. The police announced that they would initiate an investigation into grievous bodily harm and insults.

Recently there have been repeated attacks on politicians. In Dresden at the beginning of the month, the Saxon SPD MEP Matthias Ecke was knocked down and seriously injured. The alleged perpetrators are said to have previously attacked a 28-year-old who was putting up election posters for the Greens.

Berlin’s SPD Economics Senator Franziska Giffey was slightly injured in an attack with a bag last week, and on Tuesday evening several local Green Party politicians and campaign workers were aggressively harassed in Dresden. Last week, the AfD reported an attack on a campaign stand in Stuttgart, for which an Antifa group claimed responsibility.

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